Step 1-Reason

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Step 1-Reason

I stared at the clock on the wall. 3:30 PM. Thirty minutes more and I was going to be free. I should have been excited and paying attention, given that it's my last period and it's English—my favorite subject. But no, I was sleepy and too tired to pay attention to the teacher's lulling voice.

                Desperate, I switched my gaze towards my crush, Logan Stroma. Gosh, I couldn't help but admire his glossy black hair, his focused blue eyes, his pink lips—he looked like an angel. Whenever I look at him, I forget everything around me, including my English teacher. Not only that, he had always energized me whenever I feel exhausted from a long hard week like this one.

                I had got a crush on him since we were on kindergarten, and now we're in high school. We practically went on the same school all those years. But we rarely talk to each other. I wasn't sure if he really did know me.

                Minutes passed, and I was still staring at the most gorgeous guy I had ever laid eyes on. When the bell finally rang, I was both relieved and sad. Relieved because I just survived another week, and sad because I won't get to see Mr. Eye candy here for another two days.

                I sighed and shoved into my books in my bag and headed to my locker. After squeezing between students that rushed towards their lockers or to the school gates, I popped in my locker combo then dumped my books there—I left my Biology and History books in my bag because there were some research papers due next week.

                I closed my locker and leaned on it. My best friends and I had this unspoken agreement that all of us would meet here every day, and partly because my locker is the closest to the doors. Sadly though, their lockers are on the other side of the building. But there was one upside of having to wait for my friends. Logan's locker was across mine. I had the chance to watch him or at least accidentally bump into him when I'm going to my locker.

One downside though was that next to mine, was the locker of the most fashionable, beautiful, popular, sexy, selfish, and obnoxious girl here on our school. Her name was Stacey McGreen. And just like in movies, she strutted through the hallway, towards her locker. The crowd parted as she sashayed.

I rolled my eyes and continued scanning the crowd.

Stacey opened her locker and dumped her books in her locker then put on a layer of pink lip gloss. I wondered if she had donated her allotted money for her extremely expensive lip glosses, maybe the children in an orphanage would have a feast.

Stacey closed her locker and turned to me, "Hi Joanne," she said smiling innocently at me.

At first I considered ignoring her just to see her reaction. But I didn't want to get in trouble so I swallowed my pride and turned to her. "Hi Stacey." I smiled. On normal circumstances, Stacey and I would have ignored each other, so I kinda felt a little awkward talking to her.

I almost punched her when she pinched my cheek gently. I hated it when someone did that. But I controlled myself and pouted instead—which was another mistake.  "Oh, you're so cute." She giggled, "How'd you like to join me on my party tonight? It's going to be fun!" she said in a chirpy voice.

I just looked at her, stunned. Did she just ask me to come to her party? I never got invitations from her. Possibilities invaded my devious little head. Did she loose on a dare or something? I hope she's not planning anything funny against me.

But as I was about to decline her offer someone called me. "Joanne!" I peered around Stacey and saw Rebecca running towards us. She stopped then looked at Stacey then back to me then back to Stacey again. Her expression was saying something like: Is it the end of the world?

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