Step 6-Look beside you

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Step 6-Look beside you

"Here, wear this dress," June said as she handed me a midnight blue dress.

                "Thanks," I said then changed into it. After that, Rebecca asked me to sit in front of my mirror to do my make-up.

                I wonder if Gavin really liked me as me, or he just liked me because of my new look. This dilemma was the reason I wasn't really serious about him when he asked me out. What if he was just playing with me? I've heard rumors about him dating almost all of the cheerleaders at school. But then, there were times that he saved my butt. Like this one time when we were in fifth-grade, two boys had cornered me and demanded for my lunch money. Gavin suddenly popped out from nowhere, "Hey why don't you pick on someone else?" he had courageously said. The two boys had only laughed at him. One of the boys swung at Gavin but he dodged the attack and planted his fist on the boy's face. Because of that, the three of them were sent to the principal's office and got a harsh lecturing.

                But then, the rumors are still there. I had told June and Becca about my worries earlier but they said that it's still worth a try. Gavin was hot and popular they said. They assured me that nothing's going to happen. "Oh relax Joanne, just enjoy the movie." Becca said as she did my make-up. Amazing, my friend could read my thoughts.

                "She's right. You've been caught up to Logan for so long and it's time to move on girl," June added.

                "Fine..." I said in defeat.

                Just as Becca finished my make-up, we heard a car honk. That was when butterflies stared a rampage in my stomach. I stood up and peered through my windows. Gavin was there, leaning on his red Maserati. Wow, I knew that Gavin's family was rich, but I didn't know that they were that rich. He was just driving a red Ferrari earlier. And I just realized he liked red sports cars.

                "Go on Juliet, don't keep Romeo waiting," June teased. I just rolled my eyes then went downstairs. Dad was watching TV, still feeling sad because I was going on a date tonight. He didn't object, but he said that he couldn't accept that I was already a teenager and going to a date. Typical father right?

                After my two friends said good-bye, I walked to Gavin. He smiled. "You look beautiful tonight," he said, making me blush. He laughed, "And, you look cute when you turn red like that." He said.

                "Oh, shut up." I said then changed the topic, "Shall we go?" I asked. He smiled then opened the car door for me.

                As we drove off to the Mall, Gavin sang along with the songs playing in his car. I had to admit, he sang well. He parked his car and turned off the engines, "How did you like the concert?" he joked, making me laugh.

We climbed off the car and went inside the Mall. We went to the cinemas and bought tickets and popcorns. I said we should watch the movie Men in Black 3.

The two of us went inside and watched. The truth is, I was not paying attention to the movie at all. I was kinda looking at Gavin from time to time. Just to see if I would start feeling something. But only one thought circled in my head, if Logan never got in my way, maybe I'd be obsessed with Gavin. Like I said, he's cute. And now I noticed that he's a nice and funny guy.

"Anything wrong?" he asked.

Shoot! I stared at Gavin for a long time, I lost track of the movie, and I didn't notice it was over. "N-nothing," I stammered. I stood up, "So where do we go next?"

He stood up as well and shrugged, "I don't know. Get a cup of coffee or something?" he said.

"I know, we could visit the café I work at. They have the best coffee ever," I grin at him. "Plus, I have an employee discount," I said. He nodded and led me out of the cinema. Sweetly enough, he held my hand all the way out.

We talked a lot as he drove to the café. There were many things we had in common like the hobby of reading books, the passion for music, and watching anime.

"There," I said then pointed at the corner where the café is. He parked and we went inside.

The smell of coffee and tasty treats lingered in the air. Since it was peak hours, the café was packed. Gavin and I searched for vacant seats, and thankfully found one. We sat and ordered our coffees.

"Gavin?" a familiar voice called. We looked up and saw Stacey, looking shocked and if I was not mistaken, a pang of hurt.

"Oh hi Stacey, hey Logan," he said. Yep, Logan's with Stacey again. Logan just nodded. "Looking for somewhere to sit?" Logan nodded again. "uou could sit here with us. There's plenty of space," he said.

"S-sure," Stacey replied. "Joanne, why don't you sit next to Gavin?" she asked sweetly. The three of them just looked at me. Well, I don't have a choice do I? I moved and sat next to Gavin.

We talked and talked while we were at the café. Obviously, some of us were avoiding the topic why are Gavin and I are here, together? I also noticed that Logan wasn't in the mood to talk, while Stacey just ranted on about cheerleading and what so ever. As for me, I just went with the flow of the talk. After an hour, the four of us went home.

The lights were out when we got home. Gavin insisted to walk me to our porch. "Thanks, I had a great time tonight," I said, offering a wide smile to him.

I was about to open the door but Gavin took my arm and pulled me closer to him. He placed his hands on my shoulder, "No, Thank you for letting me have a great time," he said, then kissed me on my cheek. He turned around then walked off to his car.

I went inside the house and walked directly to my room, very star-struck. When I closed the door of my room, I touched the cheek he kissed. Wow. What a night.

I changed into my sleeping gown and lied down. I might not admit it verbally, but it still hurt me whenever I saw Logan and Stacey together. But then, who was I to feel jealous? I was just a girl who had a crush on him since kindergarten. We were not in a relationship, or even friendship. I had no right to feel jealous, or hurt. Just thinking about it felt really frustrating. And at every angle, I looked really stupid and helpless.

What a night.


Hey guys ^^Hope you liked this chapter :) Sorry because this one's full of grammatical errors. Don't worry, I'll find someone to edit this one ^^ and the succeeding chapters.

I'm not sure if I can update during the weekdays because we still have school. But I'll still try. :)

Anyway, hugs and kisses ^^


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