𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔠𝔲𝔱𝔢~ Part 2

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"I've been heartbroken, I've broken hearts. That's part of life, and it's part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner." - Heidi Klum

     Ponyboy smiled back at me and started walking motioning for me to join him

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Ponyboy smiled back at me and started walking motioning for me to join him. I took quick steps to catch up with him. Johnny and Dallas following closely behind.

"How come your all by yourself doll?" Dallas questioned while lighting a match on the chain around his neck.

I quickly took notice that the chain was a St. Christopher necklace.

"Oh, I don't know.. guess i just don't have anyone willing to put up with me long enough to drive me or walk with me." I joked before tearing my eyes away from Dallas' neck. "Naw, you seem pretty great, I'm sure anyone would be lucky to take you to the drive-in." Johnny said kicking a rock and giving me a sort of half-smile. I laughed a little before stating "Thanks johnny."

"You seem less.. dense and more tolerable than a lot of other socs." Ponyboy states while glancing up at the clouds. I quickly took notice that he was the dreamer type. The type of kid that could look at the sky for hours upon end and just enjoy being alive. I was like that once, an innocent kid just trying to take in the world around me. I still watch a sunset from time-to-time but it's not the same anymore. It used to be about more than just admiring. It used to be some sort of connection, stability.

"Thanks kid." I giggled lightly before ruffling his hair a little.

"That was real cute." Dallas stated chuckling a little. "What was?" I question, raising an eyebrow training my eyes on him. "That little giggle." He said before taking a drag of his cigarette. I rolled my eyes playfully and returned to looking straight ahead of me.

We arrived at the drive-in and I started walking towards the front entrance to buy a ticket when suddenly a strong hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face them. I quickly realized it was Dallas and calmed any nerves I had. For some odd reason he didn't scare me like he did a lot of people. He more so intrigued me. Something about him just made me want to know him. To kiss his lips and run my fingers through his fluffy brown locks— "No need to pay." Dallas said before letting loose his grip on my wrist.

"Huh?" I asked utterly confused. He took another drag of his cigarette before responding, "just follow me." He grabbed my wrist once again, but he had much looser of a grip.

I followed behind them as they brought me up to a random hole in the fence. That's when it clicked, they wanted to sneak in without paying. "Oh no no no." I said pulling my hand from Dallas' grasp. The three boys look at me confused. "I'm not going in without payment." I answer in response to their expressions crossing my arms firmly across my chest. Dallas rolled his eyes, "Cmon doll, relax. It'll be fine." He comforted.. sort of. "No." I firmly stood my ground. "Fine." Dallas groaned and all three of them slid under the fence.

"Last chance." Dallas got in before shooting me another signature smirk. I stomped my foot, digging my heel into the ground a little. "Okay." I rolled my eyes then slid under careful not to ruin my dress. Once I got halfway through Dallas helped me slide the rest of the way under. He took my hand and helped me up. I dusted myself off before muttering a 'thanks'.

"What movie are ya seein' Emma?" Ponyboy questioned as we walked. "(M/N)" I answered. "Oh, never seen that before." He shrugged. We then made it to the screen that I would meet Camille in front of. I dart my eyes around the seats looking for her familiar face before my eyes land on her. I smile to myself and walk over sitting in a chair next to her. The boys follow and sit in the row directly behind us.

Dallas swings his legs onto the back of my chair and I turn around and shoot him a glare. Camille turns around to face them and shoots me a 'uhh.. who are these dudes' look. "Oh, sorry. How rude of me." I start before dusting off my dress a bit as the bitter cold continues to bite me. "guys, this is my best friend Camille. Camille, this is Dallas, Ponyboy, and Johnny." I state while pointing at each of them as their names leave my tongue.

Camille shot them a smile as she locked eyes with Johnny. Dallas immediately smirked at me and I gave him a knowing look in response. 'That's cute' I whispered to myself taking one last look at the pair. I talked with Dallas and Ponyboy as Cam conversed with Johnny. I was cut off mid-sentence by the obnoxious chewing of gum that echoed in my ears. We all turned our heads towards the noise and I sighed heavily as I realized who produced the sound. Cherry Valance. Of course. Like i said, I don't have anything against Cherry. She's just a bit much a lot of the time.

'ah, shit.' I muttered under my breath just loud enough for my friends to hear. I knew wherever Cherry went.. some sort of big production followed.

She strutted towards me. "Heyyy there Emma." She said clicking her tongue. "Hello, Cherry." I greet giving her a small smile. She turns her attention to Dallas immediately. She licks her lips as their eyes meet. "Dallas Winston?" She questions not breaking eye contact." He nods, looking her up and down.

A feeling of anger was released into my veins as they talked. "Good lookin' red-head." He concludes as she takes a seat in the row in front of Cami and I with Marcia, her little minion. I turn to face him giving him a look of annoyance. "Not as hot as you though blondie." He states showing me another smirk. "Always had a thing for blondes." He says while parting his lips and pressing his cigarette to them.

Camille giggles at this as I blush a little then turn back around. I think Dallas noticed the heat on my face as a low chuckle sounded from behind me.

I forced my attention onto the movie instead of the attractive brown haired boy behind me.

(I, again apologize for mistakes if there happen to be any.)

I can't help but love you~ (Dallas Winston love story) Where stories live. Discover now