𝔓𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢?- Part 5

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"Happiness is the China shop; love is the bull." - H.L. Mencken

      "It's nothing Dallas

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      "It's nothing Dallas." I stated pulling my blouse back down.

     Rage flickered in his eyes rising above the cold, hard, lifeless exterior they always held. "Why won't you tell me what happened?" He spat, then clenched his jaw tightly.

      I started shaking a little with fear. I didn't like mad Dallas Winston, and honestly I don't think anyone would. He's the most dangerous guy in Tulsa for fucks sake. He took notice of my state and unclenched his jaw, trying to look less threatening. "Please?" He asked attempting to show me a gentle and caring tone. I sighed. "I- I guess I needed someone to talk to anyways." I said in a whisper sort of tone. We came across the park I had shooed Bob off at yesterday evening. I crawled on top of the monkey bars, Dallas following closely behind.

     I sat criss-cross with him beside me. "Who ever thought Dallas Winston would wanna year about my problems?" I joked. He scoffed in response, "whatever kid, just tell me how you got those bruises." He stated firmly. I was a little taken aback by this but ultimately decided to tell him what was happening in my life. It was weird, I only met the boy yesterday but for some reason I felt connected to him.

     Like.. like I could trust him. Which wasn't something I felt with a lot of people anymore.

     "Well.. as you probably know.. my father owns Hills grocers.." I started and he nodded, lighting a cigarette. "He's not around anymore. Haven't seen him since I turned 15 actually." I state. "Hey, how old are ya anyways kid?" He questioned while blowing smoke circles. "16." I answer. He then nods and takes another drag. "So my mother uses that as an excuse to get drunk and cheat on him. She even once got so drunk she forgot to pick my little brother up from school.." I hesitated before continuing.

     "She forgot to pick him up.. so.. he had to walk home himself.. he uh.." I stuttered. "He got jumped by some greasers on his way and uh he died." I finished with a lump in my throat. "My mom ain't like me very much. It not uncommon for her to lash out on me.." I add.

     Something flickers in Dally's eyes as he listens intently to what I'm saying.

     "I'm real sorry bout that kid." He states not knowing what else to respond with. "It's fine. I know my situation isn't ideal, but there's people who have it way worse so it would be wrong to complain about it." I shrug. For a second I thought I saw his eyes soften. I thought he felt something for me for a quick moment, but they quickly became cold and dark again.

     "You should really get back doll. Darry's makin' dinner." He says, hopping off of the jungle gym. "Yeah.. guess I should." I reply also jumping off.

     I start walking in the direction of the house to make it back in time for dinner. I quickly realize Dally isn't following me. I spin around and call out to him, "you comin' Winston?" He shoves his hands in his pockets "Nah man." I cock an eyebrow at him. "Alright.. then." I say hesitantly "see you later." He nods, "see you later kid." And starts walking in the opposite direction of me.

     I continued walking in my previous direction. For the life of me I couldn't figure out Dallas Winston.

     I'd only known him for a day and I knew it would take time but he was just so strange. One minute I thought maybe I could get him to open up and the next he's walking away from me.

     I know I have feelings for Dally. It's a quick inference to make, but I just.. can't explain what it is about that man. His captivating deep chocolate eyes, his fluffy light brown hair.. that leather jacket. It all suits him so well.

     I also know that he couldn't love someone like me.. if he could even love at all. Dallas Winston is broken, he's been hurt some way and some how. He doesn't have any family so I'm assuming part of it is that. I'll just have to wait and see though. Maybe one day I can get him to open up. It will just take a lot of effort on my part.

    I make it up to the front steps of the curtis house and knock again.

     Johnny opens the door and gives me a small smile before motioning for me to come in. "Where's Dally?" He asks as I come in. "Not sure, just said he was leaving." I answer. "Oh alright then." He says in response.

    "Dinners ready kiddos." Darry yells from the kitchen and everyone stampedes to the table. I giggle lightly at this.

     "What's so funny Emma?" Sodapop asks as I take a seat in the chair next to him.

     "You guys are, silly." I answer and he just stares at me with a confused expression. I giggle again. "The way you all just ran to the table as soon as Darry mentioned food." I explain to him. His face lights up with amusement upon hearing this.

     Darry hands out a plate to everyone. "Thank you darry." I say while flashing him a kind smile. "No problem Emma." He assures. We all eat dinner and the boys break out in small conversations. Once we all finish I decide it's about time for me to start heading home. "Hey, I gotta go guys, but thank you for having me over it was fun, and dinner was delightful Darry." I beam, standing up from my seat.

     "Pleasure having you kiddo." Darry states. I walk out the front door and decide to begin my trek home. I pray to the lord that my mother isn't home, or at the very least is passed out because I really don't want anything to ruin today. I think it was pretty good. The first genuine good day I've had in awhile and I would hate for her to ruin it like she has everything else in my life. I make it up to my front door and slip in the house, quietly closing the front door behind me.

     I take notice that my mother isn't there and grab an apple to snack on in my room before making my way up the stairs.

     I take a quick shower before slipping on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and putting my hair up in another sloppy bun for bed. I grab a book and do a little reading before I go to sleep.

     I think it's comforting to read once in awhile. Sends you into sort of a dream world where you can escape life. Sort of like sleeping actually, except for the obvious— your awake.

     I close my book and set it on my desk before making my way under the covers of my bed. I sigh heavily before closing my eyes and beginning to drift off.

     Today was a good day. I think that meeting those boys was good for me.

     Real good for me.

(Didn't read before posting)

I can't help but love you~ (Dallas Winston love story) Where stories live. Discover now