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Louis' POV

I left him in the basement all night, it was almost 10am and I was finally calm from the events of the previous day. Well calm enough.

Harry must've been leaning against the door because as soon as I opened it he was falling out.  The first thing I noticed was that he was shirtless, tho not a second later I looked and found the shirt on the floor behind his head. Covered in blood.


I quickly but carefully picked him up and rushed to Liam. I know what your thinking, why would you go to Liam? Well, yes he was one of my most trusted guards but before he joined me in the business he went to medical school. Sadly after he was caught cheating on his final test he was no longer able to become qualified and so now he fixes people up here when they get hurt. Thankfully he was really good at it and him cheating was working in my favour.

Liam got to work as soon as I placed Harry onto the bed, he said he found the source of the blood came from his head. It looked as if he had quite a harsh blow to it and he likely passed out from the blood loss... okay that might've been my fault BUT he did deserve it for going against me. As Liam was fixing him up I noticed his arm was covered in scratches that looked as if they had been bleeding, I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

After Liam was done fixing up Harry I lifted him back up into my arms  and carried him back to my room, I took of the joggers he had been wearing as they were covered in blood then I tied both his arms and legs to the bed so that when he wakes up I would be able to question him on who he was calling and what he said to them and he would have to answer. If he wanted to get out of the restraints that is.


I know I said I could be patient but not when I'm waiting for two hours, so I grabbed a
large bucket and filled it with freezing cold water before going back to the room and pouring it all over Harry. (Bonus, it made his clothes see-through and DAMN he's packing)

His eyes opened quickly after he felt the cold liquid against his skin, he tried to jump up but was pulled down by the restraints. I could tell he was getting worried because he started to frantically look around before his eyes landed on me.

"Louis.... why am I tied to your bed in my underwear?.." he asked confused, his face going red once he realised his pants had become see-through and you could see everything. He tried covering it but obviously it wouldn't work.

"I just want to know who you called and what you told them and I'll let you go, simple." I told him, that really was all I wanted and I was feeling no where near as patient as I would've been two hours ago. I walked closer to him and sat on the bed beside him.

"I swear I told them nothing!" He quickly blurted out.

"You told who nothing Harry?"

"I can't tell you.... I don't want you to hurt them. I know you would hurt her, if I told you" he spoke in almost a whisper. Was he seriously going to make this harder for himself?

"I promise I won't hurt them, I just need you to tell me." Of course I was going to hurt them. Only enough to get information from them tho... maybe I shouldn't of smashed the phone.

He shook his head " I don't believe you"

"I swear to god if you don't tell me right fucking now ill-"  I pulled his head back using his hair, planning to put a knife to his throat as a threat but... it made him involuntarily moan, I could tell it didn't mean to slip by he way his face went a bright shade of red as he tried to cover his mouth before realising his arms were still restrained.

Hair pulling huh? I will keep that in mind.

I saw he was getting hard (bit weird considering the situation but I guess your into what your into) and thought about maybe using that to my advantage and only let him finish if he told me what I needed but considering what had happened only two days ago, that seemed like a bad idea.

So instead I grabbed the arm I saw had been covered in recent scratches and began to put pressure on it, making him scream more with the slightest bit of pressure. Tears in his eyes.

"Who did you fucking call?!" I could tell I was shouting now.

"G-Gemma!" He quickly let out.

"Who?" I asked taking my hand off his wrist. I recognised the name but couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"My sister... she's my sister" he said almost inaudibly...

"Oh.." I couldn't hurt her... If someone hurt my sisters I could never forgive them, hell I'd murder them if they even left a scratch or bruise. I don't want Harry to have to worry about her.

"You promise you told her nothing?"

"Yes! All I said was tell dad to pay his debt, that's all I swear!"

"Fine. I won't hurt her.... but if I find out you called ANYONE again without my permission then she's the first one I'm going to, you understand?"

"Oh my god yes, thank you! I swear I won't." With that I let him out the restraints.

Fuck its been less than a week and I'm already going soft on him.

Hi everyone! I'm sorry if the layout looks any different on this chapter it's on my iPad so I don't know if it will look a little different so yeah, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and if you haven't already go check out my new book called "You Think I'm Crazy?" It's a Larry story and the first two chapters are up!

-Katie <3

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