Chapter 3

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Bakugo's POV

Just great! We wake up again completely confused and can't remember fucking anything, we are outside in a fucking creek for crying out loud. I know I'm cursing but now Deku is muttering trying to figure out what is going on. I just need to punch some sense into him but I am freezing and exhausted. I feel like I have been training for several hours. We continue to walk, making our way back to school as tired as we are. We walk by the dorms and continue to the actual school. We walk using each other as support all the way back to the principal's office.

"Stop, we need to at least get out of our wet clothes," Deku spoke up. I curse and we make our way to the gym. We can at least put on our spare clothes and I know I need a hot shower.

"Fucking Deku, don't put them on while you're still wet! Useless fucking Deku, shower first," I grumble pointing us both towards the shower stalls.

The hot water was amazing. I couldn't help the sigh of relief as the water hit me but I could hear Deku doing the same damn thing from his stall. We quickly finish and get dressed again.

"What do you think happened, Kacchan?" Deku yawned.

"Fuck if I know. At this point I don't even know what fucking day it is," I answer. We were sitting on some benches by our lockers now and I REALLY didn't want to get up again.

"It feels like my body has gone through hell," I add after a couple minutes of silence.

"Me too, I don't even want to get up." He turned, resting his back against mine. I couldn't help flinching from the contact but I just shifted a little getting a little more comfortable we were alone and who the fuck cares if I'm human for a couple minutes.

"We need to sleep but we can't stay here. Maybe we should just go back to the dorm if we stay together it shouldn't be a problem." I am starting to nod off even as I'm talking.

"I guess we shouldn't separate until they give us the okay..." Deku answered, still fidgeting around every now and again.

"Tch, let's just go. But we are going to MY room," I huffed as we struggled to stand again.

Again we had to use each other as support to walk, if it wasn't for Deku being there I would have cried from relief when we finally stopped at the door to my room so I could unlock it.

"Too tired to make up a futon for you just sleep with me," I grumbled, flipping the covers back so we could get in.

Once we were finally comfortable I pulled Deku into my arms so that neither of us would fall out of bed. Almost immediately his arms were around me. Neither of us had bothered to undress, we were much too tired for that anyway. But tonight at least I could pretend that we are friends again.

"Goodnight Kacchan," he yawned snuggling into my chest.

"Night Deku," I sighed in response. Yes at least for tonight I could pretend it was like it used to be.

Aizawa's POV

Again neither of the boys were able to see or hear us all the way back to the school. I was however impressed that they were able to work together as they did. Both boys seemed lost in their own world and I couldn't help worry a little about the way they were trembling.

"That woman said she was trying to help them. Should we trust her?" I muttered almost to myself.

"I don't know, but I know and trust these boys. I knew they had history, I just didn't know how much." All Might responded.

"Let's take turns keeping watch over them," I hesitated before adding, "I'll take the first watch." I watched as the boys climbed into bed before finding and pulling out the futon that Bakugo mentioned earlier. I took a seat at his desk and prepared for the long night ahead of me. All Might laid down and although his mind was troubled he did fall asleep fairly quickly.

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