Chapter 18

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Bakugo's POV
Fuck I'm pissed, that fucking pervert actually fucking thought I would let him near Eri, the fucking bastard. The next time he will have to be carried away because I sure as fuck wasn't going to let him walk away.

"Kacchan?" The sweet little angel tugged on my sleeve. I looked down at her big, beautiful red eyes as she looked up at me. I can't help smiling trying to reassure her that everything was alright.

Her face goes a little pink as she motions me down so she could whisper in my ear, "I'm hungry." Then she covers her face all embarrassed and shy like always. She doesn't like to ask us for anything, only too happy to just receive what we give her. Deku and I had to have quite the long chat with her over the weekend about actually telling us when she wanted or needed something.

"Well it's a good thing it's lunch time then huh?" I ask her and see her smile back. "We'll make sure to pack a snack for now on so it won't be so bad, okay?" I watched her nod happily as she took my hand.

"We should ask Eraserhead what kinds of snacks would be okay to bring to class so it doesn't cause any issues," Deku says from behind us. I nod and we decide that Eri and I would just eat in the classroom while he asked and he would join us after.

Deku's POV
"Would you like to join us for lunch Eraserhead? I think Eri would like that," I asked him after we agree on the different kinds of snacks she could have in class.

He looked behind me and I could see that he really wanted to but I also saw him hesitate. "We should really have your phone number just in case and not just for Eri but for the whole class," I go on and after a moment I also added,"Present Mic is also welcome to join us, at least when we eat in the classroom instead of the cafeteria. We were going to take her there so she could see how everyday usually is but I think she is going to fall asleep as soon as we get her stomach full." I was mumbling but I didn't care and it looked like Eraserhead was relaxing. I saw him take out his phone and before I even finish talking Present Mic comes in holding two lunches and a giant smile.

"Let's eat!" Kacchan calls from behind me already having four desks next to each other and the three of our food set out with Eri on his lap eating already.

"Coming!" I turn and walk over waving for them to follow as well but I added another table before sitting down earning a confused look from everyone but Eri.

Aizawa's POV
We were all sitting down and eating and Eri was chatting away with Midoriya and taking turns hugging and cuddling each of us. When All Might came in holding his lunch I tried not to groan, but Eri was so excited talking about the movie again. It's not long before she starts yawning and she is currently sitting on Bakugo's lap.

How is she so relaxed with him? Why is he so different when he is talking to her than with anyone else? At the same time it's easy to see that he isn't hiding who he was at all if the incident with Mineta was anything to go off of. She is well aware of who he is and his angry explosive attitude and quirk but if anything she just radiates happiness when she is with him and Midoriya.

Wait, they can't be her adoptive parents right? They are just high school boys and there is no way they would qualify. Right? But maybe she was adopted by Bakugo's parents? That would explain why she is so comfortable around him. I smile to myself of course that must be it. She is Bakugo's little sister now.

"Does she have a sleeping bag for her nap?" Curious just how well they thought this out.

"Yeah but it's in All Might's office, he agreed to watch her while she sleeps and bring her back when she wakes up again." Midoriya answered as he and Bakugo cleaned up the desk, putting them back where they belonged as Hizashi was now holding sweet little Eri.

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