Chapter 30

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Bakugo's POV

I took in deep breaths trying to calm myself before the match, Red and Shoto were almost done and my stomach was churning. We agreed that we had to make the fight look good. It was the last fight and if the League was going to attack it was probably going to be during this match. On the other hand I actually wanted to know how well the two of us had improved so we were going to fight for real. Deku takes his place across from me and smiles.

'Relax, we will both do fine. I promise we have spent months training and we are now Eraserhead's monster children after all," I try not to laugh but I do smile and can't help chuckling. I take in a deep breath and actually relax now. This is just going to be some intense training that's all. Zuki and I are not actually fighting. I blow out a puff of air and feel the last of the tension leave me.

"Red Riot and Tempest why don't you two stay with me to watch the match?" Midnight offered smiling. "Considering you just defeated the current number 1 hero and all," she tried to entice them.

Red and Shoto started busting up laughing at that though, confusing everyone. It took a minute or two and even then only after Deku reminded them through telepathy that they finally calmed down. Red wiped at a tear from his eyes before speaking clearly and without any hesitation, "Endeavor has nothing on our number 1 but sure we would be happy to watch with you." Red and Shoto started laughing again this time softly leaning against each other just a bit and I rolled my eyes.

"Can we start our fight sometime today?" I called out getting her attention again, my irritation very visible to the crowd.

She managed to stumble over our introductions again and turned to our two classmates before asking, "So why do you think Ground Zero chose to fight Deku instead of a pro hero like the rest of your classmates?" I was practically groaning at this point because she still hadn't started our match.

"Easy, he wanted to know who the true number one is," Red answered leaving Shoto to just nod in agreement.

"The true number one?" Midnight just stared at them confused, woman haven't you seen us spar before?

"Good luck Daddy! Good luck Papa!' Eri cheered letting us know they were back in the commentators box. Deku and I perked up and smiled waving back towards a camera so our happy faces were on the billboard for her.

"Are you ready?" Deku asked, turning back to me a serious expression replacing his earlier carefree one.

"Oh yeah," I slam one fist into another, loosening myself up a little. I send a brief glare at Midnight before returning my focus to Deku.

"Problem children, try not to hit the audience. There are not enough heroes in the world to protect them." Eraserhead sighed into his mic.

"The long awaited match between UA's year 2 class A number 1 students is finally ready to begin. These two students tie for the number 1 slot both academically as well as through our physical exercises!" Present Mic was practically screaming into his own microphone. "Up until this point they have not been allowed to go all out for any reason at all! Until today! They have been given permission from Principle Nezu himself to use whatever force they needed to so long as they do not exit the stage!"

The stadium was loud, I know that but at the same time the roars of the crowd went unnoticed by me. I was too busy feeling my blood pump through my veins as my heart pounded in my chest. I lower myself to the ground ready to dodge whatever he was going to use to hit me with once Midnight made the announcement. Then she did.

Aizawa's POV

It was like watching a movie in fast forward the way those two moved. Between Red and Eri though everyone was able to hear about what was happening even if they couldn't keep up with them. There were times that I think they were moving even faster than Iida, the way Bakugo used his explosions to propel himself through the air. Then there was Midoriya. He was practically coated in his green lightning from the very beginning. It was working just like electricity too. The way he sped up was almost inhuman. The burst of fire pouring out of his mouth was carving paths into the concrete stage.

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