Chapter 25

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Aizawa's POV

I reacted before I even realised what was happening. I caught the blade and looking around I still didn't see who could have thrown it. But what I saw next was something very much like smoke or steam coming off of the boy who was now Bakugo and Deku as they were standing up. 

"It's okay, I'm fine now. Concentrate so we can get the villain," I heard Kirishima, I mean Red tell them. I can't help frowning why is he trying to reassure them now?

"Plan Delta," The echoed voices of my students filled the room as the smoke disappeared leaving only the one boy in it's place. 

Like magic my students took a formation covering all possible defenses and weaknesses like a well oiled machine and with military precision. Are they defending me? I guess on some level that makes sense the knife was thrown at me. At least that's what it looked like.

What have my two monsters done to my class? So now my students are not only happier but stronger and more adept than even some current pro heroes. I look at Nezu feeling nothing but pride when I freeze. 

The pale haired greenette seemed to flash and suddenly Nezu was squirming, his neck in their hand. 

"What!?!" The word was barely out of my mouth when Nezu started to melt. I stared in shock as he melted before my eyes only to hear him cackling as he did. It wasn't long before Toga was the one left standing in his place, her neck still firmly gripped by Bakugo and Midoriya. 

"Nice trick, how'd you do it?" She smiled as if she were watching some pointless cartoon and not about to be strangled. 

"Cuffs," Her captor demanded, he didn't sound to good. Not good at all. I quickly restrained her and All Might took custody of her. The police were called and she was taken away, it was just after she was taken out of the room that the smoke returned surrounding the now very pale skinned boy. 

With only class A in the room now their knees buckled and they landed on the floor panting gasping for air until the smoke completely covered them. I noticed right away that none of my students were concerned in the least, in fact they were only half heartedly watching as if they have seen this hundreds of times. 

When the smoke cleared Bakugo and Midoriya were laying on the ground panting heavily but evenly. It only took a few minutes before even their breathing evened out, and wait, did they fall asleep?

"What-?" I started only to be shushed by my students. 

"Sorry Eraserhead, but they need to rest now. I'll answer your questions if you like," Red told me now whispering. "No one wants to wake them up after they do that move though!" His face was so serious that I couldn't help but just nod happy that I left Eri with Hizashi so neither of them should come here for a little while. 

"Tell me everything."

Bakugo's POV

"Who the fuck hit me upside the head and tried to drug the fuck out of me to cover it up?" I hissed groaning as I did. "I'm going kill you you fucking extras!" Let's be honest my voice barely came out as a growl and if anyone DID hear me and they didn't know me they would have thought I was some weak little shit. 

"Go back to sleep Kacchan, I'm tired!" I heard Deku before I felt him cuddling against me. 

"Red where the fuck are you?" I hissed before lifting my head up and looked around. Fuck, nope we are not in bed. We are on the fucking couch in the principles office. Do I even want to know what happened this time?

I look around to see most of our class just hanging out or chatting quietly. "Red," my voice was deep and commanding more than enough to get everyone's attention and I see him practically skip over while still holding Todoroki's hand. Yeah he really needs a decent hero name. Deku and I will have to work on it later. 

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