Chapter 28

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Bakugo's POV

I woke up only a little confused before I remember what today is. How was I supposed to know that things would escalate so quickly? Deku is something else. He's smart, he's funny, passionate, he's loving. How could I ever compare to him? Yet here I am holding him in my arms as he sleeps against me. My nerd. I don't know what I did to deserve him but for fucks sake please make sure I keep doing it.

I snuggle into his hair breathing in his sweet scent. 'Zuki, we need to get up." I mouth the words against his neck but don't make a sound knowing that his mind heard me.

"Hmm?" Was all he responded with but he cuddled closer trying to get a few more stolen moments of sleep. Today is Saturday, the day of the class 2A event where we will take on any and all challengers. Which apparently includes pro heroes considering Best Jeanist is on our list. I suppress a shiver thinking about forcing my hair down again and again back during our first year internship. This is still a great way to end the school year though. I mean we have finals in another week but this would be our last big event.

"Come on Zuki, we need to get ready for the trap." I whisper tickling him now getting to hear his sweet giggles finally.We rush through our routine and go to the common room to find our classmates making last minute adjustments.

"We get to see Eri today!" Deku cheered, jumping ahead of me. I can't help smiling as we just grab a piece of toast and an apple before running off to pick up our daughter. It feels like time has sped up to the point of dragging again. I don't even know how that makes sense but it does. Time was going like a whirlwind and I felt like I was drowning in the ocean watching it pass me by in slow motion.

"PAPA, DADDY!" Came our little princess as she slammed into Deku first who was in front of me. Before I even knew what was happening I was grabbed by a fistfull of my costume and the three of us were sobbing, hugging and kissing like we hadn't seen each other in years not 5 days. I was littering our baby girl's face with ticklish kisses before we went inside to have breakfast with our parents and then we took Eri with us back to the dorms. I really don't know how we arrived back so quickly. Eri was telling us story after story of all the things she was able to do with our parents as she sat on my shoulders.

"You sound like you had so much fun without us," I pouted only to get her giggles in return.

"Don't worry Papa I missed you and Daddy more than anything in the world," her giggles rang in the air as we opened the door to the dorms and everyone froze staring at us, well more accurately Eri as she climbed down to stand between Deku and I.

"We're back!" We were practically singing as the three of us called out together. The room erupted into cheers of "Eri!" as everyone came rushing over asking how she was and telling her how much they all missed her and promises of doing better in the future and please tell us you're back for good.

I couldn't help laughing as she lectured them about the "Rules". I didn't even care when I heard a tired sigh from behind me.

"Why are you all always so loud?" I turned around to see Eraserhead entering and at first he only saw the class until Eri screeched out his name running up to him. "Eri? You're back?" He looked up at me and Deku and asked again, "Is she back?" I watched as he held her, cuddling her in his arms and it was visible the amount of stress that just fell off of him as he did it.

"So long as nothing else comes up again. Her adoptive parents have agreed to tell you, not the hero agency, who they are after today's event. Assuming we succeed that is," Deku informed him. Earning slow nods from our teacher.

"I don't exactly agree with it, so you better hope it works," I grumble still putting up a front. "You will have to sign a nondisclosure contract, a gag order." I smiled a little at that but he just agreed quick enough as is, it was kind of disappointing really. I was hoping to rile him up a bit before the fights started.

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