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Liana stands next to Jack, Sam in front of them.

Liana takes a swig of the bottle of beer in her hand.

Jack is glaring at Michael, as his arms are crossed.

Sam gives Liana a look, and she just rolls her eyes at him.

Sam clears his throat, as he sighs.

Michael is on a chair at the other end of the bunker, cuffed onto pillar next to him.

Cass walks in, up to the trio.

"Shouldn't we put him in the dungeon or something?"

Liana nods at Jack's words as she takes another swig.

"Jack's right——we don't know long those cuffs are gonna hold. I mean Bobby improved them but——"

"If those cuffs won't hold them, neither would the dungeon"

"I can hear you"

"Can you?  Well, can you hear when I call you a narcissistic asshole, who I feel, everyone here would agree, that you should burn in hell"

Micheal chuckles, as Liana is in front of him.


Liana turns to Sam as she sighs.

Liana starts walking away, downing the rest of her drink.

Michael smirks.

"Run along girlie"

Liana stops as she throws the bottle at the pillar next to Michael.

Michael ducks, away from the shards of glass, as he chuckles.

"Watch it. You may be wearing my brother but I will still beat you"

"I would like to see you try"

"That can most certainly be arranged"


Liana then glares at Michael one last time.

Liana then walks up, next to Jack, standing by Sam.

Cass opposite Sam, next to Jack.

Michael watches as the four go into another room, still connected, as the bunker is open plan, just further from Michael.


Sam gives Liana a look.

"You're lucky  I just threw  the bottle at him. Would you rather I stabbed him with a shard too, 'cause I would have"

Sam shakes his head.

"Okay, now what?"

Jack motions to Michael.

"Okay, listen. Back when Gadreel possessed me. He——he created, uh, I don't know like a——like a fake world inside my head. But Crowley was able to force himself in, he showed me how to take control, and I drove the angel out."

"The problem is... Crowley's  dead"


"The one time you need him"

All eyes shoot to Liana.

"What? It's true! The guy is alive, we want to kill him, now that  he is gone, we need him. Of course luck has to swing that way"

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