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Jack looks out the blinds, on the door.

"See anything?"

Kelly watches Jack, from a distance, behind him.

"Whatever comes through that door, I'll distract it so you can run."

Jack turns around to Kelly.

Kelly smiles weakly, as she steps towards Jack.

"I'm not going anywhere"


Jack turns back to the door.


Jack opens the door, Castiel standing on the other side.

Jack steps back, as Castiel walks in.

Cass places a hand on Jack's left shoulder as he smiles at him.

Cass then pulls Jack into a hug.

Kelly watches as the pair hug one another.

Cass lets go of Jack, as he turns from Jack to Kelly.

Cass walks towards Kelly.

"Hello, Castiel"


The pair share a hug as Jack watches.

"I'm so sorry"

Kelly pulls away, as she's looks up at Cass.

"I failed you"

"You didn't. You didn't."

Kelly then turns to Jack.

"Jack——he's wonderful."


"We've been getting to know each other"

Jack moves closer to Kelly, standing by her side.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sam and Dean, Liana and I——"

"Liana? Is she okay?"

Panic and worry fills Jack's face.

"She is..... look Jack, there is something you should know"

"What's wrong?"

"We found a way to bring you home."

Jack turns to Kelly as she lets out a breath of relief.

"So, I'll be alive again?"

"Yeah. But to do so we——we need to use magic that will draw on your soul."

"W-what do you mean my soul?"

"It'll be just a small piece."

"And I know it's too much to ask, but it's the only way"

"No. I-I-I-I don't know"

"It's not just Jack's life that's at stake. It's——the Empty has invaded Heaven, because it wants you"

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