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"Is this...Are you real?"


"Sam said you're dead. He said Michael killed you.

"Yeah, I don't like to speak ill of people, especially when their sister is here, but Sam is a big fat liar. And he's a bad person and.....like freakishly tall, so..."

"I-I don't understand."

"No, Michael didn't.... Sam is the one who left me behind"



"I mean, I think he thought I'd be trapped over there in "Giant Litter Box World" forever, 'Cause that worked so well the first time."

Lucifer walks so he is in front of Jack.

"I don't blame him, though, okay? I mean.... for everything that I've done to him, I think, uh, I had it coming, you know?"

"But you know what? I'm moving on"

"But if the rift is closed, then how are you here?"

"Oh, no. Not "how", "Why" I'm here for you, Jack. Because, you know, even though the Four Amigos-- Sam, Dean, Liana and the other one"

"And admit it, you need me. You do. 'Cause we're blood. And we're not human, no matter how much we pretend to be"

"See humans are... (inhales deeply) Limited and fragile. "

And I'll admit it, they-- bring out the worst in me, I gotta say. It seems like, you know, no mater how much you try to do right around them, something always goes wrong. Follow?"

Jack looks at the ground, as he processes Lucifer's words.

"I....I know"

"Right? That's not their fault , or ours. It' us and humans, we're like oil and water. You know, sardines and strawberries. It's just a bad combination."

"What do we do?"


"I mean....there's a whole universe out there, buddy. Planets, Stars. Galaxies. Why should we  stay here on Earth, when we can go anywhere else? Heck everywhere else."

"Like, um, like "Star Wars"?"

Jack then steps forward towards Lucifer.

"Exactly like "Star Wars"

Jack chuckles as a small smile forms on his face.

"You want a lightsaber?"

Jack imitates a lightsaber.

"I can make you a lightsaber Heck, I can make you a Wookiee"

Jack then shakes his head.

"But... no. Sam Dean, Castiel, they'll miss me."

"Yes, they will. They will. It'll be hard."

"I can't leave  Liana, I need to stay here and protect her I made a promise to stay by her side, no matter what"

"Promises are made to be broken.No one ever truly keeps their promise. Plus you need to protect her from yourself, you always seem to lead her into danger, you understand?"

"I—I understand"

"Do the best thing would be to join me and let her go. For her safety as well as your own"

Jack nods slowly at Lucifer.

"Plus Jack, You have to live your life for you. Right? Not her"

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