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Liana sits in the back of baby with  Kaia and Jack.

Jack, sitting in the middle, Liana behind Dean and Kaia behind Sam.

The air is silent, yet the tension was thick.

Liana almost jumped when Dean lost his cool with Kaia.

Liana has not seen him like that since..... since he got the mark of cain.

"So now what?"

Sam glances to Dean

"We get Kaia to the Wind Caves, and then what? Force her to dream walk at gunpoint?"

"We get mom back, no matter what. Remember?"

Dean turns to Dam with a fierce look.

Dean then turns back to the road when  Sam doesn't respond, instead just turns away from him.

Liana sighs as she rests her head on the window.

"I'm sorry..... about all this."

Jack turns to Kaia who is looking out the window.

Lia turns, watches Jack as he speaks to Kaia.

"I was like you, Kaia, afraid of my powers. But it doesn't have to be like that."

Kaia doesn't respond.

"You said you wished things could've been different, and that's why you reached out to Derek."

"Derek thought that you could help me,  and I could help you"

Kaia then turns to Jack, annoyance on her features.

"Why do you keep saying his name?"

Jack just stares blankly at her, unsure of what to say.

"Derek's dead because of you."

"Jack had nothing to do with Derek's death. That was an self-obsessed angel bitch who will get what's  coming for her"

Liana glares at Kaia, who glares back.

Jack then moves between them, turning to Liana,  giving her a look.

 Liana  huffs, crossing her arms, sitting back in her seat.

"Five seconds"

Jack turns to Kaia.


"Give me five seconds to show you what Derek saw, what I saw with him. It wasn't just the Bad Place. It was.... everything. It's amazing."

"Five seconds"

Jack reaches a hand towards Kaia and presses his hand to her forehead.

Kaia eyes light up gold, as does Jacks.

 Jack  then begins show her what Derek saw when he dream walked.

Kaia smiles as she see's all that Derek saw.

Jack soon removes his hand as the gold in their eyes vanish.

"Our powers can be good. We can do good in this world"

Kaia turns away as she feels tears, in her eyes.

Sam turns away from listening, as he faces the front again.

Suddenly a bright light clouds their vision as Dean swerves Baby, stoping the car as they spin sideways.

Liana squeals,  as she is not wearing a seatbelt.

Liana  almost flies out the side door of Baby as  the door  opens wide.

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