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Adam Ruzek woke up at four sweating cold from a nightmare.

The sight of his wifes mutilated body on the ground,the sirens and lights from many patrol cars and firehouse fifty one trucks,his four year old daughters hysterical crying till her lungs burst out,he was parlyzed Kevin and Jay were the ones to drag him away from the body.

He went to the bathroom stripped down trying think about anything else.He ended up staying in there for a good hour the water and didn't realise it'd gotten below freezing temperature.

He was numb.Last time he felt something was about an year ago.

He got changed and decided to start his day early with making breakfast.His daughter woke up at seven and got changed and brushed her teeth and went downstairs following the scent of Chocolate chip pancakes.

Ashely:Daddy!Can you do my hair?

Adam:Sure sweetie.I'll be up in a miniute.

She went to her room and sat on the chair infront of her vanity which was way to big for her but would last in the long run beyond her teenage years.

He turned the gas off and went to her room and asked:Which one today?

He'd mastered a pony tail and pigtails thanks to Erin and Kim.

Ashely:One big braid please daddy.

Adam:I'll try my best honey i'm sorry if it sucks but i know princess will fix it after laughing at me for a good day or two.

Ashely:Kimmys place is so fun daddy!She had a piano but she said i wasn't allowed to play with it because it was to expensive.

Adam:She is right about that.Your only five sweetie when your big enough she'll let you play okay.

Ashely:Okay daddy.

He finished the braid on his daughter and said:There all done.Does it look bad?

Ashely:No,Kimmy or Auntie Erin will fix it.It looks better than lastime daddy.

Adam:Aww.Thankyou sweetie.Come on pancakes for breakfast.

Ashely:With extra syrup!

Adam:Yes my cupcake.

She ran down the stairs at breakfast whilst they ate she asked her father the question she never asked yesterday because they realised Kims place was an extra five minutes from the school.


Adam:Yes sweetie.

Ashely:How come you call Kimmy princess and nobody else does?

Adam:I don't know honey.Were just friends.But i told your grandparents that all of intelligence does so please sweetie don't mention Kim infront of them again please.They just lost there daughter okay.

Ashely:I understand daddy.You'd feel the same.

Adam:Exactly munchkin.You've got your mothers brains for sure.

Ashely:But mommys skipped kindergarden i didn't.

Adam:It doesn't matter if you skipped or not honey a just want you to try your best in life pinkie promise me that?okay.

Ashely:Promise daddy.

They joined there pinkie and promised.

Adam dropped his daughter off at school and decided to chat with her teacher.

Adam:How's Ashely doing in class?

Mrs Jane:She's alot better than when she started Mr Ruzek.She never stops talking about the officer called Kimmy.Is she new in her life?

Adam:Yeah.A year on the job.Is she okay academically wise?

Mrs Jane:Yes perfectly.

Adam:Okay.I gotta go to work thankyou.

Mrs Jane:No problem sir.If you're ever worried about her we do allow phone calls between parents and children doing lunch and break.


Mrs Jane nodded and he said bye and drove to work.

When he entered the disrict there she was talking to Kev he joined making there trio again.They talked and laughed for a few minutes.

Adam showed the picture of Ashelys hair to Kim and she started to laugh at his i tried really hard face.

The braids had bumps in.

Kim:I think Dective Lindsey would glandly help.Dective.


Kim:Yeah me and Sean need to go on patrol and if Erin doesn't i will know you big boys need to go upstairs or you'll be late.

She said pointing to clock behide them the boys quickly ran after buzzing thereselves up she chuckled.That clock was ten minutes Platt did on pupourse to make officers rush.

Somehow she'd been the only one to notice and others hadn't.

Once they got upstairs they saw only Erin in Jays lap they were obviously filrting like they noramally did.

They realised they fell for a prank.Kim wasn't a real prankester so that was suprising.

An hour later everyone was just goofing around with eachother Voight came out his office and said Kim and Sean found a body in the alley.

They suited up and left in the there squad cars.

Kim and Sean were watching crime scene officer take pictures of the porcelin skinned girl who looked eerly like her.

When intelligence arrived Kim talked about the girl and there was no witnesses.

Whilst the others talked Adam pulled Kim aside and asked:Princess you okay?

Kim nodded.

He touched her cheek and rubbed it and said:Are you sure?You look like you've seen a ghost.
Kim:She..Just looked exactly me.The brown hair,porcelin skin and brown eyes and same height five nine.

Adam:Don't worry i'll be here.You've got intelligence behide your back princess.

Kim:Thanks Dective.He kissed her cheek.

Once the day ended Adam decided to escort her home.

In Adams car she said:You didn't have to do this.

Adam:I know you're scared princess.

Kim:Really how?

Adam:I can sense it radiating of you.

Kim:Oh really.she arched her eyebrow.

Adam:Um huh.

Kim:Where's the little one?

Adam:With my pops and mom.Rachels were at work and mine finally had a day off.

Kim:I bet she's had a lot of fun.

Adam:Probably is.I'm staying late with the others theres been five more bodies.All with different descriptions so don't skip dinner okay.


He took her to her door and entered with her they talked for a few minutes then he went back to the disrict after kissing her cheek again.

The Coldness of her hand gone making his warm again.He didn't know the affect on him she had.He made her feel al-

No Rachel was the only one to make him feel alive.

But princess had chocolate brown eyes.

His heart was beating out his chest.He went to the disricts bathroom and quickly put cold water of his face.

No.It had only been a year.

The Girl That Time Forgot For The Longest TimeWhere stories live. Discover now