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Kim Burgess had been in the twenty first disrict for a little over three years know.

She loved it here.Intelligence took her from Platt weekly much to the  Sargents dislike.

Burgess was her top patrol officer only faults she had was not eating consistent meals and putting to much on her plate at once.

She was twenty six also.

Ashely turned seven a few months ago.Adam gave her mothers rings at the party whilst she opeaned it.The others were shocked they thought the rings were lost.

Adam was watching her from top of the stairs as she talked to another officer.It was no denying he had feelings for his bestfriend.

The name Kim Burgess.His own daughter picked up on it somehow.Well she was a girl and girls tend to pick up on that.

But did she know?Did she even like him?Did she notice everytime they touched or were even near or everytime he heard her name or voice his heart would pump blood a hundred times fast his cheeks went bright red and hand clammy as hell?
Did she know that he'd fallen for her hard.

A few minutes later his bestfriend nuged him out the trance and asked what the hell that was he said nothing.

Kevin chuckled and said:Sure it was nothing.

They entered the bullpen when Jay said:What's The Dynamic Duo laughing about?

Kevin:Ruzek burning lasers into Burgess skull.

Erin came out the breakroom with her coffee and said:Old news.

Adam:I don't like Burgess.

Antoinio:We know that,You love her bro.

Adam tried denying it while others chuckled about it and teased him for the rest of the day.

Erin thought it was useless for Ruzek to even try denying his feelings about Burgess they'd all seen how he used her as a crutch for his worries and how she comforted him as they hugged the bodies perfectly moulded together on the lockerooms floor how'd they looked lost without one another like little puppies who were lost.

Adam was currently looking picture on his desk it was of him and Kim with the others at Mollys on Erins big three zero from a couple of months ago.He had his arm around her waist and was kissing her cheek and she had a half smile on,Unlike the others she hadn't had time to dress up and was in her black ripped jeans and black top with a rose on the on the selves,She wore her faveourite combat boots with them which she still had to this day and her hair was flowing and was on her shoulders.

She had a couple of bruises from that night.They'd all found out pretty early on getting Kim Burgess drunk was impossiable,she could handle her liquor the next day she came into work the others having hangovers and keeping there heads low but she came in with her smile and said shes never had one.

Others were shocked to say the least.

Kim Burgess inmune to some drugs which was mind boggling to say the least.

But there was two things about her that everyone knew she was a klutz and prone to bruises hence why intelligence and the desk sargent took her in as there protoge of sorts,Well she glued everyone together she was the youngest apart for Nadia Decotiz who was currently studying for her criminolgy degree in college.

It was end of the day Kim was in her normal clothes leaving for the day.

Adam was upstairs with the rest of intelligence when they heard a big THUD!

They raced down the stairs buzzing the gate open.Officers crounched down near the there fallen colluge which they failed to keep an eye on from falling.Again!

Adam rushed to Kims side and said:Princess are you okay?

Kim nodded and rubbed her head and said:Yeah i am.I tripped over nothing.
She chuckled at her clumsyness.

He smiled helping her up and he told Kev to tell Voight he'd be back after dropping princess home.

Adam drove Kims car which smelled like roses and was clean unlike his which had his daughters toys on ever seat.

They got to Kims apartment and she said:Thankyou dective.

Adam:No problem princess.

She kissed his cheek and they hugged she opeaned her door and he left she stripped down to her booty shorts and  lacy bra put her phone on charge and slipped under her covers of her bed.She didn't have dinner.

It was around two in the morning the city of chicago sleeping soundfully.

Kims dream:
Six year old Kim Burgess came back from school by herself.Her parents forgot her again!Intentionally forgot her!They picked her sister up who went to a private school.

Her sister hated her.

She hated so much she just locked her in the cellar after pushing down the stairs there parents laughed and taughted the six year old.Her own sister kicked her as there parents encourged it.

She woke up a few hours later to the feeling of fire on her chest.

Kim didn't make a sound she wouldn't give them the satifaction.

Once her mother and father left after putting there many cigarettes out she saw the burning flesh on her chest and bit her lip.

Finally let out but scrubbed mercissally then thrown into her room naked with little to none clothing.

The six year old  got the first aid kit out her bedside table cleaned the burns,put cream on them and badged them up quickly before her parents found out.

Dream End.

Kim jumped out of bed those memories hadn't hauted her in years.

She realised it was her day off the Chicago sun was burning her skin even if it was November her curtains were open.

It was ten am when her phone rang.

Kim:Dective whats wrong?

Adam:Princess i'm sorry to ask you this but Ashelys grandparents on both sides are out of town or at work Ashelys finishing school early at one please can you pick her up from school and take her to the house her grandparents should be there around six intelligence has a big case.

Kim:No problem dective i'll pick her at one from school.Does her teacher know who i am?

Adam:Yup.I showed a picture and told your name this morning thankyou princess.Sorry again i know it's your day off.

Kim:No problem we can have one on one time for a few hours.

Adam:Have fun bye!


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