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It was the end of the school day for kids.As kids rushed to there yellow buses hoping on saying bye to friends and teachers and others waiting at the front entrance for there parents or siblings to pick them up there was an seven year old girl next to her teacher waiting for someone special.

Mrs Jane:Oh i see her.

Ashely ran towards her and yelled:KIMMMY!I MISSED YOU!

Kim:Hey little one say bye to your teacher let's go home okay.

Ashely:Okay!Bye Mrs Jane!

Mrs Jane:Bye Ashely!

Ashely walked to her house holding Kims hand.Kim opeaned the door with the spare key the dective gave her a few months ago when she to pick Ashely from her football class but he was at work.

Ashely fell onto the couch Kim just hanged her coat and school bag up.

Ashely:Kimmy.I'm hungry.

Kim:What do you want?Crackers?Sandwhich?

Ashely:Crackers please!

Kim:Okay.Do you have homework?

Ashely:Mrs Jane gives it on Fridays and Mondays only.

Kim:Okay.You can watch TV whilst you wait.


The rest of the day they watched movies,played and ate a few snacks it was six on the dot when her grandparents came.

She begged Kim to stay.Kim agreed to stay but could feel the cold hearted glares from Rachels parents.

At seven they sat down for dinner which Abigail cooked.It was lasagna.It was good.

Abiagail:Ashely sweetie i think it's time for you to have a bath and go to bed if you behave i'll read you two stroies.

Ashely:I want Kimmy to do it!

Abigail:I'm pretty sure she has to go home sweetie.

Ashely:Kimmy doesn't have to.

Kim:No i've got night shift so i'll be alright.

She picked Ashely up and took her upstairs by seven fifty she was changed and dry tucked into her bed and started reading the beauty and the beast.The little girl snuggled onto her chest liking the familar warmth.Her mother had the same one but Kimmys was much more calming to her.Her lavander scent still there.

Kim kissed her head as she slipped out the bed.She at the top of the stairs when she heard Abigail and Johns conversation.

Abigail:Why does Ashely like that woman so much?

John:She ain't anything speacial.I checked her background.Her parents are loaded.Shes just bratty rich girl.

Abigail:What does Adam see in her?

John:Probaberly just her money.Ugh.She's so ugly.

Abigail:I know.Our Rachel would never let that bitch near our daughter.

John:I know right.Rachel would never let her eat those sugary treats.It's like she wants our granddaughter to get fat and ugly like her.

Abigail:I know Ugh.

Kim felt a light tug at her selve and saw the little on in a half daze and she said:Kimmy sleep with me.


Kim tucked her back into the duvet with blue flowrers and bunnys on them.She on top of it the girl wrapped hers arms around Kims waist and cuddled to her chest and fell asleep.

By ten the grandparents were gone and Adam was back from doing paperwork and a long day at work.

He greeted his in laws they left and Adam went to check on his daughter.But saw the most heartwarming scene he's scene in a long time.

To anyone on the outiside looking in you'd think they were mother and daughter.Whereas in actual fact they were his daughter and his crush.

Scratch that.His MAJOR crush.

He kissed there forheads and stripped down and went to bed sleeping dreaming about princess.His dream was about Kim,hiself and Ashely.

Kim was sleeping in hostipital bed next to her two babies one girl and one boy they looked frail being born three months early too many tubes were there.

He was with Ashely who looked estatic to see her new siblings but soon fell asleep on her fathers chest.

Alarms went off,beeping sounds everywhere crying babies in cots rushed out the room along with Ashely and hiself.Doctors ordering nurses to meds through a tubes.

Five minutes later the time of death could be heard.17:45pm.

His daughters crying,his babies were rushed upstairs.He fell on to the ground.

Adam jumped out of bed.It was six in the morning an hour and a half left to get his daughter to school.

What about princess?

He went the room to see the heartwarming see still there.Adam walked and moved the hair out of his princess face behide her ear.She woke up and said:Dective.Your back.

Adam:I came in around ten you were asleep didn't want to wake you up princess sorry.

Kim:What time is it?

Adam:Six fifteen.

Kim:Oh okay.I'm going to go the station.

Adam:Oh okay.

He kissed her cheek and she kissed his and left.He felt a ache in his heart as she left her soft,sliky ice cold procerlin skin made his heart work a thousand times faster.He gazed at her butt also and wondered how'd she'd fallen asleep with those tight jeans on but still managed to walk gracefully.

Kim hopped in her car and left for work.

Thankgod she had a day off because nobody would know shes wearing the same outfit as yesterday and she was glad about that.She didn't why she cared even.They all knew she hadn't even been on her first date,never had her first kiss and never mind sex.

Yes,she is a twenty six year old virgin.Her excuse to others was she never had time or waiting for marrige.Most accepted and respected her dission.Mainly the cops who joined the force in eighties and seventies respected it they treated her like one there daughters.

The ones that joined in the ninties and know two thousands said she should just spread her legs and get over it.Some tried make advances on her.No wait scartch that most superior officers mainly captains and sargents also dectives have tried to get into her pants.But the twenty first disrict was near by.It didn't matter if you were the goddam Deputy Comissioner or a rookie cop any cop near Kim Burgess was put under an investigation and background check.

The desk Sargent Trudy Platt hadn't sceen so many goddam background checks on cops in her whole fucking carrer.

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