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Kim was called upstairs to help with a case.Voight was in the office with two people a man and a woman.Both dectives by look of things.

She was sitting on Adam desk which was in the corner oppissite Dective Alvin Olinskys.He was funny at times jumping out of nowhere with a banana which was half eaten or randomly pulling out tagerines which no one could figure out where he pulled them from.

He watched her smile and laugh and a joke Erin made about Jay in bed.

They were a married couple they have one daughter seven and one son four named Jayson Halstead and Amealia Halstead.

Kim had bruises on her neck he wondered where she got them from.A perp?Maybe?

She was wearing her uniform.

Voight came out the office and said:Guys,Homindcide and Intelligence are a partening up.This is dective Katilyn Burgess and Sargent Greyson Burgess.

Jay:Wait.....a minute Burgess as in....

Kim:Yes that's my identical twin sister i'm older by twenty minutes.That man is my father.Know let's get on with this case sargent.

Voight:Burgess you okay with this?

Kim:Sure i am know who's dead?

Katilyn:Tyler Brooksfeild.

Kim:The history teacher you fucked to get an A?

Katilyn:How'd you know?

Kim:I have connections.Don't look so suprised jeez.

A few hours later it was four in the afternoon and the coffee machine had be used and abused.

Kim finally went to get a cup.

Adam follwed her and closed the door and said:Princess.

Kim:Yes dective?You want some?

Adam:Sure.How are you?With your dad and sister being here and all.

Kim:I'm fine.As long your here.Dective.

She looked into his eyes and smiled then kissed his cheek and hugged him she layed her head on his chest and said:Don't leave me.

Adam:I won't.


Adam:Promise.He kissed her head.His body was rushing blood in all directions but his pants were tight.The smell of her strawberry shampoo made him crazy.

Adam:Princess.I think we should go.

Kim:Yeah we should before the rumour mill happens or Kev and Erin started placing a hundred dollar bets.
she chuckled and left with her black coffee with nothing it.

He watched her walk into the bullpen and go back to searching on the background of the main suspect called Jared Willamson.

That's when dective Katilyn Burgess walked in and said:Dective Ruzek right?

Adam:Yeah.What do you want dective?

Katilyn:Coffee.I'm guessing Kims told you about her past.

Adam:Yeah.I know the shit you did

Katilyn:Just so you know i've changed.

Adam looked her dead in the eyes and said:People like you don't change.Stay away from Kim.

Katilyn:Ugh fine.She rolled her eyes as she said it a snarky voice showing her true colours.

He went back to helping Kim who was with Kevin working on the background research.

He kissed her cheek.Which he had no idea wanted her to melt into a pile of goo.

The day finally came to an end everyone went home inculding Kim.

She stripped down into her lacy bra and shorts and fell onto her bed onto of her duvet.

The feeling deep down in her heart that'd she's been trying to hide for three years and keep at bay.

She denied having feelings for him.He lost his wife literally four days before she started at the twenty first disrict.
They took her under there wings since day one.She liked it..

But she was always afraid of what the dective would say on his first day back at the disrict and see her.

It wasn't a secret if Kim had blonde hair and marine blue eyes she'd look exactly like his late wife.

She thought he'd burst out and get mad.But he didn't.He was the kindest and most loving person she'd ever met but she could read him pretty well and could tell when he drilled lasers into her skull.

She could tell from the second he layed eyes on her he felt overwhelmed from the suttle similarities.

Also his daughter.His daughter was safe to say attached to her.She felt bad about that.Seven months of looking after your grown up father then visiting the disrict to find a woman who looked like your mother in so many ways.

Well technially she'd fallen down the stairs and bruises appeared really fast the little girl was terrified it took her to that night.Kim consoled her and told it was alright the poor thing leaped to her side crying.

Kim couldn't handle losing more people she loved.She just couldn't.She'd done it too many times.
She looked at the date on her phone screen tommorrow would be ten years.

Ten years.She wondered how'd she would look at a seven year old who could've had the bestfriend in the world only a few years older.

That girl would be turning thirteen.But instead is lying in a graveyard six feet under next to her mother and father and uncle and grandfather.Not ageing past the age of  three and a half years old.

Everyone wondered what her past was like.Her files were locked by her connections in high places.Also her paper file was locked away.

Rumours filled the CPD grape vine most the time.

Officers that were jelous of her spread horriable stuff about her.Mainly female because she was close to all the dectives in intelligence and knew them on a personal level also.When intelligence did there annual dinner she was invited also.

When she refused to give others tips on how to get there attention.They usually huffed and they walked away.

Most asked about Adam.She got really jelous.Her jelously was hidden.NOT!

Everytime Adam talked to her sister she gripped onto the edge of the desk until her knuckles turned white.

Everytime he talked to another women other than Erin or Platt.She'd be somewhere else.Trying to keep her heart beat at a good rate.

She loved him.Okay!But she knew his love would be all consuming and didn't know what would happen if she died on the job.She new he couldn't handle another heartbreak.

She loved him.Too much.Who cared?She was the girl that time forgot for the longest time.

She loved his daughter.She treated her like she wished her mother would.She loved the littles girls father too.

The little girl knew that.

The Girl That Time Forgot For The Longest TimeWhere stories live. Discover now