safe havens (part star)

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Tay Tawan's POV:

"Why are we at a Science's Centre?" I asked curiously, following behind hin as he guided me around the back of the building. Not a single soul could be seen using the path we took. He looked familiar with the path so I reckoned he came here often as well.

"Not the Science's Centre per say. The building beside it." He answered.

"Oh! The planetarium?" I asked, eyes widening in surprise. Well... if anything, it sounded like a romantic place for a date... I found myself smiling softly.

"Yeah. Its quiet there. Really nice too." He said with a small smile. His answers were short but I could tell from his voice that he was fond of the place. I felt my heart sink as I reminded myself not to get too excited and spout nonsense again.


Back at the cafe, he looked out of sorts as he headed to the toilet.

I knew.

He must've felt bad after reliving his memories of MeMe. The topic was heavy and I was absolutely useless at comforting him just now. He must've felt sad, awkward and needed some time to recollect himself. I felt so dumb for not doing anything. I bashed myself mentally for being so insensitive. I sighed, thinking of ways how I could cheer him up.

Maybe treat him to another slice of cake? Or would ice cream be better?

No, No. I shook my head. He had already eaten too much desserts. I scratched my head in frustration, wondering what I could do to lift his spirits, but food was all I could think of. I sighed again. Think, Tay, Think! There has to be something you can do to cheer him up...

Tell a joke?

Should I hug him?

K-kiss him?! No, no, Tay, get a hold of yourself! That's just what you want, not what he wants... nor needs right now...


I shook my head. I snuck a peak at the shut restroom door and sighed.

Maybe I should just google.


"What are you looking at?" Hin asked curiously, popping up from behind me. Startled, I almost dropped my phone.

"Oh, uh, n-nothing!" I stuttered, surprised. I quickly hid my phone, stuffing it into my pocket. My eyes shifted nervously from him to the ground and back up to him.

Did he see?

He eyed me suspiciously, but didn't say a word. He looked a little pale. But before I could observe him more, he nudged me to go.

"Don't bump me with your boobs!" I exclaimed, flustered. I rubbed my shoulder, blushing madly. I retreated a few steps backwards, embarrassed.

"They aren't boobs!" He denied, eyes widening in disbelief as he laughed shyly.

"..." I didn't know how to answer him. With a silly smile on my face, my eyes shook as I felt embarrassment consume me.

"Let's go." He pouted, beckoning me to walk.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and followed after him obediently, hooking an arm around his shoulder like usual as I caught up to him.

He stiffened up.

I felt something heavy weigh me down. My smile faltered as I felt his muscles tense considerably around me. It felt.. odd. He had never reacted this way before. He also seemed to be walking a little weirdly. Uneasy, I slowly loosened my hold around him, slipping my arm back down beside me. I saw him relax slightly and felt a lump form in the back of my throat.

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