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3rd person POV:

"How long?"

New bit the inside of his cheek. He balled his fists and pushed past the tall man, stationing himself in front of the sink as he began to wash his hands.

"New, I'm asking you. How long?" Off growled.

New slowly looked up at him through the reflection in the mirror, gazing straight into his eyes, gauging, finding and the moment he opened his mouth, Off knew what he had been looking for.

"I think I just overate today, Off. Since Tay ordered so much food." New tested, giving a sheepish smile as he soaped his hands.

His voice was a little scratchy and hoarse, but it was overall a believeable excuse. Off gave him credit for that. But it wouldn't explain the way he hadn't even mentioned that he wasn't feeling well before leaving to the loo, wouldn't explain the way he looked so put together right now, as if it was natural, as if it was normal and if not for the fact Off had stumbled into the restroom and accidentally heard him retching his life out, he himself wouldn't believe what he was confronting New for.

The man looked alright.

But Off wouldn't believe shit about appearances. He knew what he had heard, and seeing New so evasive like this, so unnaturally okay even though he was ill, made Off just know, in his gut, that something was very, very wrong.

"Don't try to lie to me." Off narrowed his eyes.

New felt a lump in his throat. He would've preferred if Off had started shouting at him, or started cracking jokes and asking if this was a prank, but no- Off was serious. And New knew that when he was serious, he couldn't get anything past him.

"Not long." New finally relented. He was now scrubbing his hand hard, with all that tension inside him and no other way to release it.

"When did it start?" Off asked calmly, eyes boring holes into him.

New felt his lips shut, words choke his throat and he tore his gaze away from Off, directing all his focus onto washing his hands instead. It was easier. Easier to try and run away.

But Off was having none of that.

"New. If you're not going to tell me, I'm going to call Tay here. This is something he clearly doesn't know about." Off warned.

New whipped his head back so fast his neck almost snapped.

"Don't." His voice was small, urgent and pleading as he stepped out to stop Off.

Off tapped his foot, arms crossed as he raised his brow at New, waiting.

New grit his teeth and went back to washing his hands.

"New, you-"

"-Around the time Tay and I reconciled." New's voice was barely above a whisper. It was shaky, forced and something in it just felt so weak Off felt his heart squeeze.

Off blinked.

"You mean the day you fainted? In the carpark?" Off clarified slowly, his mind slowly processing New's words.

New gave him a small, tepid nod.

Off felt anger consume him.

"What the fuck, New?! That was months ago! You've been doing this every single day?" Off roared, livid.

New flinched.

Off glared at him, temper rising as he saw the younger freeze. His eyes finally swept down onto New's hands and he let out another loud growl of anger. He had scrubbed them raw.

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