The fourth different world

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Courtney was a very beautiful and young princess, her father was the king of Introversia, a very rich and wide kingdom. Courtney was locked in, just like other princesses, she was homeschooled and the only time that she gets out of the castle is when she shops for new clothes with her mother, the queen. Courtney just turned eighteen and as the only child of the king and queen, this is the age where she learns her duties and responsibilities as the future leader of Introversia. Courtney goes to the dining hall, where her father and mother was waiting. She walked gracefully, like proper lady, she smiled
"Good morning father, mother. I heard you had something to tell me." She said softly. The food started coming in.
"Oh yes, we do, dear..." The king said
"What is it?" Courtney asked.
Courtney takes a sip of her water.
"We have found a prince, to which  you would marry, " the queen said
Courtney spits out the water.
"What?!" Courtney exclaimed.
"Manners, dear. But anyway, we found a prince, he is in the same age as you, he is from Extrolia, the neighboring kingdom. And you know that if the kingdoms come together, we would be the most powerful empire of all. And it would help the people, as we know very well that Extrolia is rich, maybe a little richer than us." The Queen said
"I'm sorry mother, father, I love the kingdom, and the people, but I can't just marry a man whom I have never met and known," Courtney said
"You can't say no now, dear. We already invited them to come on Friday, to settle the wedding, and so that you and the prince can talk and know each other." The king said
"What? Why didn't you tell me about this?" Courtney said angrily
"We thought that it would be a good surprise." The queen said, as she nervously played with her hand
"Well, it probably is not!" Courtney shouted before she stormed out of the dining hall. Courtney went to her room and cried. All her life she wanted to marry a man that she loves and who also loves her too, she never expected that her parents would do this. She felt so mad and betrayed. She looks at on her window, and see people, beggars out in the street
"It would help our people..." She thought to herself
But either way, she can't say no, everything has been planned.
After a couple of days...
It was already Friday. The whole kingdom was preparing for the arrival of the royal family of Extrolia. Princess Courtney was dress in an Emerald green dress, which matched her green eyes. Her long blonde hair was curled and decorated with hair accessories with diamonds on them, and of course, she had to wear a tiara. They put a little makeup on her face, but her natural beauty really shines. The royal family of Introversia waited for their visitors to arrive. Courtney stands straight as a very fancy couch approach them. The horses halted and the carriage stops in front of them. The door opens, and the king of Extrolia steps out of the couch, followed by the queen, then finally, the prince.
"Welcome to Introversia, my friend." The king said as he shakes the hand of his visitor. "So, shall we get inside?" The king led them inside the castle. The queens are talking to each other, the young prince and princess we're next to each other in awkward silence.
"Hhe hem!" The princess clears her throat.
"So, you're the prince I've heard about."
Courtney says to the prince without even making eye contact.
"Yes, I am prince Shayne of Extrolia." The prince said
"And I am Courtney, princess of Introversia," Courtney said
"Obviously, from the dress and tiara," Shayne said as he looks at Courtney from head to foot. Courtney rolls her eyes.
They all went straight to the dining hall.
Courtney and Shayne sat next to each other.
"Oh, look at them, they're already talking..." Courtney's mother, Queen Carole said
"Yes, they're pretty much getting along..." Shayne's mother, Queen Catherine said
"So, maybe by the end of this month, there shall be a wedding." Courtney's father said
"Yes, indeed. Imagine how strong our kingdoms will be if they were united." Shayne's father said.
Courtney and Shayne faked a smile, they were told to head out of the room, and explore the castle.
"So, this is the library..." The princess said as she opens the wooden door.
"Wow, it is quite wide..." The young prince remarked.
"I know. This is where I spend most of my time..." Courtney said
The went inside and looked around for a little while.
"Let's proceed to the next place, shall we?" The Courtney asked
"Yes, we may," Shayne replied.
They walked out of the room. Shayne followed Courtney in the garden. They sat on one of those fancy benches.
Courtney was talking and talking and talking, and Shayne was getting annoyed with her.
"Could you please do shut up, " Shayne said, sounding so annoyed.
"How, rude, I was only telling you the story about this place, and this kingdom. I'm not trying to annoy you." Courtney said while crossing her arm.
"I'm sorry. I found you annoying ever since I set foot on this castle." Shayne said
"You're just as annoying, you know..." Courtney said.
"I just don't have anyone to talk to here in this lonely castle..." Courtney added.
"Back in my palace, I don't have anyone to talk to too. I guess-What if we just talk, is that alright? I think that's alright." Shayne said
"That would be incredible," Courtney agreed
"So, I heard you just turned eighteen. They must have thrown you the best ball in the kingdom, " Shayne said.
"Yeah, they threw a big and lavish ball, but it was most certainly not fun," Courtney said
"Well, princess, what fun birthday gift would you like?" Shayne asked
"I would like to have the gift of freedom, to go and wander outside as normal people would do. But instead, I got the news that at the end of the month I would get married to the man I just met today." Courtney replied.
"I'm sorry," Shayne said sincerely
"Don't be, it's not your fault, we both don't have a choice," Courtney replied.
"Do you believe in love at first talk?"
Shayne blurted out
"Pardon?" Courtney asked
"Do you believe in love at first talk?" Shayne repeated.
"Why?" Courtney asked
"Because I do, and I think I just experienced it with you," Shayne said.
"Earlier you called me annoying, now you're telling me that you are in love with me?" Courtney asked
"Why, is that impossible?" Shayne asked
"No, but it's just that I-I-I..."
Shayne cut her off by kissing her, passionately.
"What if we make this wedding real and not just for the kingdom's sake?" Shayne asked
"Yeah, I'll be, delighted," Courtney said before kissing Shayne in the lips.
*Ring! Ring!*
Another dream...
Courtney's POV:
It was just another dream. I think I really need to get myself checked. Today is Saturday, that means no work, so more rest for me, but the sad thing is I can't talk to Shayne about these dreams... I hope the weekend ends immediately...
Shayne's POV:
It was just another dream. I think I really need to get checked. Today is Saturday, so that means no work and more rest time for me, but the sad thing is that I can't talk to Courtney about these dreams... I hope the weekend ends immediately...

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