Sister sister

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Courtney's POV:
Shayne's call really woke me up. But I'm so happy that he called me. My heart was dancing, knowing that he was concerned and worried about me and that he thinks about me. I took a shower and dress up into sweatpants and an oversized shirt. I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Kari to arrive.
At exactly 10:00 am, Kari arrived.
We placed her things in the guest room. After that, we settled down on the couch.
"So, am I the only one who knows about your situation?" She asked
"I told Shayne, and Ian as well," I replied
"Of course Ian is supposed to know he's your boss, but Shayne, is he you your boyfriend or something?" She asked
"No, he's just my best friend," I replied
"Really?" She asked with a smirk
"Well, okay I like him, but I can't date him, we're co-workers, we can't be together," I said
"Oh. That sucks," she said
"Yeah," I said
"We can talk about it, only if you want to," she said
"Yeah, I would like to vent. He has a girlfriend right now, her name is Erica, and we're friends. But it's like I'm a little jealous of her,"
"Well, who wouldn't be, he has the guy you really like, but yeah, keep going,"
"The thing I was mad about was at first he stops hanging out with us frequently, but Shayne realized that, so he started hanging out with us more, again. The day that I got the results back, he immediately noticed that there was something wrong with me, that's why he knew. And earlier this morning, he called me and said that he was worried about me all night. Sweet, isn't it? But yeah, I don't know if he was just a concerned friend or a boyfriend wanna be... But I don't want to get my hopes up," I said
"Well, maybe he made his life's mission to find a girl because he wants to get over you, because like you said, you are co-workers, you can't date," Kari said
"If only he told me that he had feelings for me, at least I would have known, and we wouldn't have put each other through hell," I said
"Well, if you didn't have the courage to tell him, maybe he didn't have the courage to tell you too," Kari said
"You're right," I said with a little sigh
"I've been there, done that, but, in my case, Kath was the one who helped me," she said
"Seems like history repeats itself," I said
"Yup," she said with a nod.

Shayne's POV:
Erica just woke up. She saw me sitting on the couch, watching a random Netflix show.
"Good morning babe," she said
"Oh, hey, good morning," I said, smiling from ear to ear
"You're happy today, did you get a role you auditioned for?" She asked
"Nah, it's just my worries slipped away from me," I said
"Wow, that's great," she said
"What are you worrying about anyway?" She asked
I can't lie to her, so I said
"Courtney. I already told you the reason why. She said she was more than alright, made me sigh in relief when I heard her say that. And let me remind you, I don't want to make you jealous, and I still love you." I said as I place a kiss on her cheek
"I know," she said

Courtney's POV:
"So, do you have a doctor already?" Kari asked
"Yup, Dr. Glassman, he was the one who told me about my results," I replied
"Oh," she said
"I'm actually scared, Kari, like what if this gets worse, what will happen to me? I don't wanna die at the age of 26, I still hadn't released an album, or go to Canada, or find the right person for me. I still want to do a lot of things, I don't want to leave this world yet..." I said as I started crying
"Oh, don't think that it's not gonna get worse," she said as she hugged me
"We don't know that," I said
"Don't say that. Where's my positive and optimistic Courtney? Come on, don't lose hope, you'll get better," she said as she caresses my back
"Thanks, Kari," I said
"Of course. I will always be there for you," she said

Heyo friendos! 'Tis I the queen of typos.😂 I hope you are doing alright. Well, there are still more chapters coming up. Lots of love,

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