The fifth different world

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Courtney just moved into her new apartment. She didn't know any of her neighbors, but she'll know them along the way since it's an apartment complex. Courtney was done decorating and moving her things inside of her apartment, she got bored and decided to play uncharted. She was in the middle of it when she ran out of battery.
"Shit, I forgot to buy new ones." She said to herself.
Maybe my neighbor has a triple-A battery...
She wents out of her apartment and went to her neighbor's door and knocked. Inside that door, was Shayne Topp, a young and depressed doctor. Her sister died in the operating table, under his supervision, in other words, he couldn't do anything to save her sister, she died during the operation.
Shayne heard the knock, he hesitates to open the door, but he gave the knocker the benefit of the doubt. He opens the door and sees a beautiful blonde woman in front of him.
"Hi, I'm from door 34, I was wondering if you have triple-A batteries, I'm in the middle of playing uncharted, and I'm dead. So, triple-A batteries, por favor?" Courtney said
"Oh, wait." Shayne enters the room to search for batteries.
He comes back with triple-A batteries in his hand.
"Here you go." He said as he handed the batteries to Courtney.
"You're new here, right? If you see a cat don't feed it, feed it once then after that it won't leave you alone." Shayne said
"Thanks, 33," Courtney said, she goes back to her apartment. And Shayne closes the door.
What a strangely familiar person...
They both thought.
Courtney was putting the batteries in when she heard a knock on her door. She opens the door to see the man she had borrowed the batteries from.
"I-I'm Dr. Shayne Topp, from St. Bonaventure Hospital, and I feel like I have seen you before." He said
"Wow, very straightforward. But anyway, I'm Courtney Miller, an automotive engineer. And you are strangely familiar to me too." She said as she reached out her hand, and Shayne shakes it.
*Ring! Ring!*
Courtney's POV:
Dreams, dream, oh fuck these dream...
Why won't it stop? I checked the time, it's 3:00 am. I went back to sleep. I toss and turn, then I realized that I just can't sleep. I sat in my bed, just there silently staring at nothing. I thought of someone I could bother, someone who is for sure awake, and someone whom I can vent to... Of course, I'm thinking about Shayne. He doesn't leave my brain alone, in the morning I see him and I think of him, in the night, I dream of him. And if I can't sleep, maybe he can't too. I reached for my nightstand and took my phone. I went to my contacts and search for Shayne's name, I found it and immediately hit the dial button.
"Hello?" He asked, clearly he was wide awake.
"Hello, it's Courtney," I said
"Can't sleep too, huh?" He asked
"Yeah, you too?" I asked
"Yup." He replied
"Wanna come over?" I asked I realized the error as soon as I said it.
"What?" He asked as if he was surprised
"Nothing..." I mumbled
"I heard you the first time, Miller. I'll be there in 5 minutes." He said
"Okay," I said before I hang up the phone.
After five minutes, exactly, he arrived.
"Hey, " He said
"Hey, come in," I said
He comes in and we made our way to the living room.
"So..." He said
"I think we need to talk..." I said
"I know. These dreams are starting to bother me, I'm sure they bother you too..." He said
"Yeah, it does, that may be the reason why I can't sleep. So, do you know a sleep doctor?" I asked
"We can search for one..." He said as he raises his phone.
He goes to Google. And start typing shit out.
"Do you want coffee or anything?" I asked
"Coffee would be nice, please." He replied
"Okay, I'll make some," I said before heading to the kitchen. After that, I came back to the living room with two coffee cups in my hand. I handed him the other one
"Thank you." He said
"You're welcome," I replied
"I have found one, this doctor named Duke Agobber and his wife Zarbi Agobber. They have a clinic, but it's in San Jose." He said
"So, are we going?" I asked
"We could have a flight for $129, or we can drive there and spend only $22-$42. What do you prefer?" He asked
"The drive is cheaper, so I prefer driving. How about you?" I asked him
"Driving sounds good, as long as we can drive alternately, okay?" He said
"Okay, " I said
He takes a sip of the coffee I made him.
"Wow, this is way better than Starbucks, " he said
"Hahaha, you're bluffing..." I said with an eye roll.
"No, I'm serious. This is the best coffee I ever had. Your future boyfriend or girlfriend is so lucky," He said sincerely
"Stop it with the compliments, it's making me blush," I said
"You deserve it, that's true..." He said
"Aww, that's the nicest thing someone said to me, " I said
He smiled.
"Shall we plan our trip?" I asked
"Yes, we may, " he replied.
We started planning, for how much money we'll spend, where would we stay, how many days would we stay and the list goes on.

They're going on a trip. Yay! I decided not to give many authors note, but I don't know if I could be consistent with that. Anyways, the next chapter is going to be exciting. Lots of love,

Dreaming Galaxies A Shourtney FanficWhere stories live. Discover now