Made me dream of you, again

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Shayne's POV:
I just came home from work, we were sent home early today. I just thought about Courtney. She told me about her finding out about her health scare. I'm scared and sad for her. Yes, I have moved on, but she is still my best friend. And yes, I love her and I care for her.
*Knock! Knock!*
I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to see Erica.
"Hey babe," I said
"Hey baby, " She said as she kissed me on the cheek.
We went inside my apartment.
"So, how's your day?" I asked her as we sat on the couch.
"Good, nothing stressful. How about you?" She asked me
"Good," I said with a sigh
"Good, but you sighed. I'm sure there is something wrong," she said
"It's just my friend Courtney, you know her right? Well, she found out that she's really sick, and I'm just worried about her..." I said
"I don't want to make you jealous, but I care for Courtney like that because we have been through a lot together, through thick and thin. She's my best friend. I hope you understand that," I added
"I understand. I would do that too if I was in your shoes, I have best friends too," she said
"I know. Thanks for understanding," I said
"Of course Shayne," she said
After a couple of hours of sitting quietly with each other and being stuck in our phones, we decided to sleep.
"Goodnight Shayne," she said
"Goodnight Erica," I said
After that, I closed my eyes, even though I want to text Courtney if she is fine,
Maybe she's already asleep...
I drifted off to sleep.
I'm in a hospital room with a very familiar lady laying on the hospital bed.
She opened her eyes slowly. She turned to me and blinked twice.
"Shayne, is that really you?" She asked
"Yes, it's me Court, I'm here," I said
"I thought you couldn't come," she said
"I would empty my whole schedule and my whole life just for you, you know that," I said
"You're so cheesy," She said with a chuckle
"It's true," I said
"Shayne Robert Topp, I want you to be serious right now because I need to tell you something," she said
"You sound like a movie like every time someone wants to tell someone how they feel they use the 'I need to tell you something', but seriously, go on," I said
"Okay... I know that I won't be staying that long here on earth, don't say that it's not true because we both know that it is... Well, before I go, I just want to say- but wait, what I'm going to say is a little cheesy and is like a major cliche, so, please don't cringe on me... I just want to say that I like you, no, I love you, Shayne, ever since I first met you at the audition. And knowing that we both literally dream of each other for quite some time, made my heart beat faster that sometimes I would get scared that maybe I was suffering from some sort of cardiac problem. I was hurt when you found a beautiful and much sexier girl, but I swear I was happy for you two,"
"Are you sure that you weren't jealous?" I asked teasingly
"Okay, I was, a bit. But yeah, I love you, and I finally found the courage to tell you, ironically in my death bed." She said with a slight laugh.
"Don't worry about it, because I love you too, I even tried finding a girl just to get over you, but it didn't work. It kills me to know that you're leaving me without me being able to love you, kiss you, hold you, marry you, start a family with you, and just be there for you every single day. It's unfair!" I said as I started crying.
"Hey, don't start now, please don't cry. Where's my strong big boy huh?" She said while cupping my cheeks. She is too weak to do it, but she still did.
"Here I am. I'm sorry, I just have to let it out," I said
"It's okay. Let it out babe, just let it out." She said
She coughed and coughed until it got harder for her to breath, she ran out of breath, and then she stopped breathing.
I called out doctors and nurses, but it was too late. The line on the monitor was now straight. She's now lifeless, she's dead.
I started crying and sobbing.
"Courtney! Courtney!" I sobbed as I held Courtney's cold dead hand.
"Courtney! Why do you have to leave me?!"
*Ring! Ring!*
Fuck! It was only a dream. I woke up with tears in my eyes. What the fuck was that dream for? To scare me? To tease me? Because I'm getting really scared. I turned to my side, Erica was still sleeping. I went out of the room and went to my living room and sat on my couch and dialed Courtney.
"Hello?" She asked sleepily
"Hello, Courtney, it's Shayne," I said
"Oh, hey Shania Twain, what's up?" She said
"Are you alright?" I asked
"Yes, I'm great, actually. Why did you ask?" She asked
"I was worried about you all night," I replied
"Aww, what a sweet sweet boy," She said
I blushed, luckily she couldn't see.
"Don't worry about me bro, I'll be fine, and besides, Kari is on her way here now," she said
"Just checking on you. Call me if you need me, okay?" I said
"Okay," she said
"Bye, take care," I said
"Bye, take care out there frog legs!" She said before hanging up.
I smiled from ear to ear, knowing that she is more than alright. I said I already moved on, but I guess I hadn't. But Erica... I love Erica and I'm lucky to have her, I can't make her think that I just dated her to make Courtney jelous, because I didn't dated her to make anyone jealous. I love her, but I fear that I love Courtney more...

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