Let's move on, shall we?

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It has been 6 months, Shayne and Courtney stopped dreaming of each other. They acted like it never happened when their friends are around, and when they're alone, they rather not talk about it. Shayne went through dating apps just to get over his unsaid feelings for Courtney. Courtney never searched for love, it's not because she's tired, it's because she doesn't want to let go of her feelings for Shayne, even though she knows that she will never have a chance to tell him. They act like they don't feel anything none platonic between them. They acted as if they're just friends. Shayne went out on a date with a very lovely girl named Erica, which he met online, and he's going to have a second date with her tonight. No one knew about this, only Shayne. Courtney was still hopeful that someone or something magical would make the no dating co-worker rule disappear. She's still hopeful that Shayne might feel the same way as she does towards him. It was time for them to go home, Courtney and Shayne were walking towards the parking lot.
"Wanna hang out?" Courtney asked Shayne
"I wanted to, but I can't, I have a date tonight," Shayne replied
"Oh, that's okay. Have fun on your date." Courtney said before getting inside her car.
Shayne got in his car, getting excited about his date.
Courtney's POV:
Shayne's going on a date?! Fuck! I started driving. I'm crying right now, crying so hard. I thought that he liked me, now he's going on a date with someone who isn't me. I told you so, don't keep your motherfucking hopes up! They were right, expectation is the root of all heartbreaks. And why should I be heartbroken? He's not mine, and why should I be mad? It's his life, I can't control him. All I can do is cry over the fact that the man I love from afar is dating someone else.

I have reached my apartment. When I got out of the car, I immediately opened the front door and went straight to my room. I cried and cried, if only someone was there to comfort me. I hugged my pillow tight. I looked at our picture that I took when we went to San Jose, goddammit! It fucking hurts! I'm crying here, while he's having fun there. I don't want to ruin his happiness, but I just know that I'm the right one for him. Fuck this office rule, fuck my life!

The next morning, I woke up at 7:40 am. Today is actually Friday, thank God!
I went to the bathroom and check my face. Fuck, it's clear that I cried a lot last night, but I'll just make an alibi. I made my morning coffee, the coffee that Shayne said that is more delicious than Starbucks, stop meddling with my mind, memories. I got ready for work, then after a couple of minutes or maybe an hour, I left my apartment. I drive my way to the office, getting stuck in traffic for a little while. I got out of my car and I saw Shayne's car come inside the office's parking area. Usually, I would wait for him, but today, I went straight inside the building. I greeted everyone good morning.
"Courtney, did you cry last night?" Olivia asked
"Nah, I couldn't sleep, that's why my eyes are like that, " I lied
"Good morning!" Damien and Shayne greeted
"Good morning!" We all replied
"Courtney, did you cry last night?" Damien asked
"Nope. I just couldn't sleep, that's why my eyes are like that. I'm becoming an insomniac bitch, " I said with a fake chuckle.
They seemed to believe it, even Shayne, or maybe he hadn't noticed.
"So, how was your date last night?" I asked Shayne. Ouch. It felt like I stabbed my own damn heart.
"Oh, I'm glad you asked. She was so great, and we're finally official!" He replied enthusiastically.
"What's her name?" Ian asked
"Erica, she's a model. I actually met her on Bumble. And of course, we are in the same age," Shayne replied
"Where does she live?" Damien asked
"Here in LA, near my place, " Shayne replied
"Wow, lucky, " Noah said
"Yup, very, " I said, trying not to sound so bitter.
He looks at me and says
"I told you to use dating apps,"
"I'm too scared. I can't..."  I replied
He nodded. Even if I'm mad, I should be happy for him because he's my best friend. If you love the person, you should prioritize their happiness.
I smiled, even though it's fake, at least I smiled. It's hard, really. But I'll try to hide it.
Shayne's POV:
Is Courtney really happy that I went out on a date with someone? I really thought that she liked me too, but it seems like I was wrong. But I guess I have succeeded in moving on from her.
For now, I'm just so happy with my love life. I looked at Courtney and I see her eyes look like she cried for the whole night, well, I don't want to get my hopes up, snap out of it Shayne, I thought you already moved on? But is it possible that Courtney Miller just cried because she was sad about the fact that I went on a date with somebody else? But she said that she was just finding a hard time to sleep... Just stop thinking about that, Shayne.

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