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George woke up to the static-y voice coming over the loudspeaker, announcing that the flight was landing in thirty minutes. George stirred sleepily, not remembering falling asleep, momentarily forgetting the dire state of Dream, but it crashed back onto his consciousness quickly. He shrank down in his seat, tired, and not excited to see Dream's current state.

Let Dream be alive. Let him live.

George closed his eyes, exhausted, willing himself to feel more rested, but blinked them open again. He looked around for his things, making a last-minute check for anything that he took out on the flight. He reached for his bag and held it in his lap, waiting patiently for the plane to land. As soon as it landed, George jumped out of his seat and jostled through the line, and exited the plane first, practically running down the hallway and out into the crowd that flooded the front of the airport. He suddenly froze in his tracks, realizing he had no ride, and he didn't have Dream's address. George was relieved, however, because he still had Dream's mother's number from that challenge they had done months and months before. He felt his heart squeeze slightly at the memories of how happy Dream had been before, how carefree they had been then.

That will never happen again. Ever.

George swallowed, dialing the number and praying that Dream's mother would pick up.

"Hello?" An exhausted and drained voice came on the line. "Who's this?"

"I'm George." He spoke quickly. "I'm Dre-Clay's friend. I'm at the airport. Do you mind picking me up and sending me to the hospital where Clay is?"

"Oh! Hello! George! I remember you. No problem, I'll come. It'll probably take... a few minutes. I'll be there soon."

"Thank you so much." George exhaled the breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"No problem. Dream'll need all the company he'll need. You've heard about his- his predicament, haven't you?"

"Yeah." George's heart sank again at the reminder. "Yeah, I've heard." George gulped slightly. "I'll hang up now." He quickly pressed the red end call button, and navigated his way in front of the airport, sitting down on a crowded bench, waiting for Dream's mother to pull up.


A ring sounded from his pocket, and George pulled out his phone, recognizing Dream's mother's number. He picked up. "Hello. Are you here?"

"Yes. Look for a medium-sized blue car. I have blonde hair, and I'm wearing a blue shirt. Heck, I'm wearing as much blue as humanly possible." She laughed awkwardly, and George momentarily felt a chill run through his veins. Dream's mother's laugh was exactly like Dream's, at least, when he wasn't wheezing like a tea kettle.

"Okay, thanks." George stood up, scanning the street for a car that matched Dream's mother's description. His eyes landed on a blue Honda, and George immediately stepped in that direction. When George got closer, he could see a woman sitting in it, with a blue shirt, and... blonde hair! It must be Dream's mother.

George waved. Dream's mother looked up and met George's gaze, and smiled sadly, more like a grimace. George was momentarily taken aback at how tired Dream's mother looked.

"Hello! You must be George!"

George nodded and stepped inside the car. "Hello."

"Clay's said a lot about you." Dream's mother smiled into the mirror, looking at George's reflection.

Don't Give Up On Me - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now