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A/N: Just a disclaimer, I'm not a doctor lmao, so don't take any of the "advice" I mention down below. Also, I have no experience with hospitals and such, so I don't know how the procedure is, so correct me in the comments if I get anything wrong :)


He was swimming in a pool of darkness. Free to move, but immobilized. Dream was tumbling through a pit of nothingness. He felt nothing, but yet he felt pain. He could speak, yet nothing came out. Dream twisted in his invisible bonds, struggling to free himself.

And then he recognized a voice. He stopped struggling, frozen.

"George?" He whispered, surprised that he could actually hear his voice this time. His throat was raspy and dry, and he coughed slightly.

The voice stopped speaking, and Dream started fighting again, trying to find where George was. Was George being kept in that same captivity as well?

"Dream, can you hear me?" A dim light. The feeling of soft, light cloth over his body. Fresh air around him. Dream took a deep breath gratefully.

"Yes." He managed to croak out. Dream coughed again. "Can you get me some water?"

A blinding white light flooded his senses. Dream blinked. A hospital room came into view, and George's back was facing him. George turned back around and handed him the glass. George's face was oddly closed off, as though he was hiding something from Dream. The blonde ignored this and took the glass, gulping it down, and subsequently wiping his mouth with his hand.

"Thanks." Dream tried to wiggle into a seating position, but his legs wouldn't respond. Instead, they splayed weakly against the bed. "Why can't I feel my legs?"

George hesitated for too long. "You woke up from the coma a little too early. Maybe the medicine hasn't worn off or something." George's face was contorted awkwardly, and the words seemed oddly forced.

"Okay." Dream looked at his legs above the blanket. The white cloth was smoothly set above his body. He frowned again, confused. "But why don't they hurt? I know I got hurt in the- the car crash. What happened?"

George sighed resolutely. Dream was slightly worried. George seemed so defeated.

"You- you're going to be paralyzed from the waist down."

"Only for a while?" Dream blinked up at George.

"No. Forever." George closed his eyes, sighing through his mouth. Dream tried to wrap his head around what George had just said.

Paralyzed? Forever? Seriously?

Dream's head was throbbing slightly. He reached up and rubbed his forehead.

"Oh," was the only response he came up with.

George blinked open his eyes and watched Dream. His eyes were round and sympathetic, but they also felt his pain... that Dream himself couldn't feel.

"Well, at least I'm alive." Dream began slowly.

George let out a weak laugh. "Yes, you're alive. You're very much alive. Alive and breathing."

Dream watched George. Honestly, Dream was more concerned for George's mental health. But part of him wondered why he wasn't more concerned for his own body. He was paralyzed, for goodness sake.

"Clay, it'll be alright." Dream snapped his head around, then immediately regretted it when his head began pounding again. Dream's mother was watching from a little behind George, and she was smiling gently. Dream smiled back, but his mind was wandering.

Don't Give Up On Me - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now