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Dream stared out the window, face leaning against the glass, cool against his flaming cheeks. He was feeling feverish — again. And this time, he also felt dizzy, and nauseous. He gripped the side of his chair tightly, feeling the world spin around him.

"George." Dream called out weakly. George sat up from the couch, his blankets sliding off his body, and then, seeing the state Dream was in, rushed over and felt his forehead.

"Dream, you're burning up again. Come, get in bed." George held a hand out to help Dream.

"I can't." Dream whispered. His head was spinning too much.

George picked up Dream and carried him into bed. The world was spinning around him, and the only thing that was keeping him grounded was George's face. Dream felt George's hand on his forehead again, cool against his burning skin.

"Water?" Dream croaked.

George blinked. "What?" He leaned down closer to Dream, prompting Dream to repeat himself.

"Water." Dream repeated. "Can you get me water?"

"Of course." George turned around and came back in a few moments, clutching a tall glass of water. George set it down on the bedside table and gently helped Dream sit upon his bed. George handed Dream the glass, gently brushing Dream's fingers.

Dream felt his cheeks flame up involuntarily, and somehow he knew that it wasn't because of the fever. Dream looked away as he gulped down the water. He handed it back to George, still refusing to make eye contact. Suddenly, he felt George's hand reach under his chin and forced him to meet George's gaze.

"Dream, talk to me. What's wrong? You've become so quiet."

Dream took a shuddering breath and stayed silent. After a few moments, he finally spoke, but not to answer George's question. "Can I have the medicine?"

George hid the bottle of pills behind his back. "Not until you answer my question, Dream." He dropped his hand, staring at Dream challengingly.

Dream let out a long breath, looking mildly pissed now. "Fine. I'll tell you. Let me put this into perspective for you. I got into a car crash. I broke my spine. I've become permanently immobilized. I can no longer care for myself. I've been doomed to sickness for the rest of my life. I'm useless, George. I have no purpose left, George. Why do you still care for me? Why would you still care for me, the most useless person in the world?" He breathed heavily, as though he had just run a marathon.

George sat down on the chair and looked at Dream seriously. "Because you're my friend. And did you ever think, if I just let you die, what would I do? I'm not talking about my career or whatever. I don't really even care about that. But I would have lost my best friend. And I was never friends with you for your skills or the fact that you could walk and do stuff on your own. I became your friend because I liked your personality. I became your friend because I enjoyed being around you. And that is something that becoming permanently paralyzed will never change. But if you give up hope, if you let this injury define you, that is when you change. That is when you no longer are the Dream that I befriended all those years ago. So don't give up hope, Dream. Don't give up on me."

Dream looked at George. His eyes were slightly unfocused and his breaths were a little too short, but he could speak all the same. "It's not the same, George. What do you think I feel like?"

George stepped closer to Dream, and gently brushed a strand of hair from Dream's face. "Don't give up on me," was his only response. "Don't give up on me."

Don't Give Up On Me - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now