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When George woke up the next morning, he was relieved to find that Dream wasn't burning up like the night before, and George hopped out of bed eagerly.

"Finally, we can go somewhere!" George announced, voice excited, but he caught himself. "I mean, it's not your fault."

Dream waved it away nonchalantly, his mind seemingly preoccupied elsewhere. "I know, I know. Come on, help me out of bed."

"Right." George answered, feeling awkward as he gently picked up the younger boy around the waist and set him on the wheelchair. George frowned.

Dream feels lighter.

"You've lost weight." George furrowed his eyebrows.

Dream shrugged. "I'm dying. What do you expect?"

Even though George knew it, Dream's words still hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Don't say you're dying! I can't lose you, not after all the trouble I've gone through to support you." George snapped.

Dream only gave George an unreadable look, and he wheeled himself into the bathroom, locking the door after him.

George took advantage of Dream's preoccupation to make the bed and pack their bags. After all, they were going to leave for their next destination, London, tomorrow morning. George had some business to tend to back at home, and they would be only stopping for two days instead of three.

George sighed under his breath. Another early morning. Which he hated, by the way. George didn't notice Dream's presence behind him until he turned around.

"Oh, you're done." George said lamely, and he dropped the shirt he was just folding and headed into the bathroom.

George splashed his face with cold water, trying to wash away the morning fog that was clouding his senses. He placed his hands on both sides of the sink, staring into the mirror, watching as the water slowly dripped down his face.

Not Dream. Anyone but Dream. Even me, if you must.

George gulped. He hastily wiped the water from his face and brushed his teeth, all the while his mind was shrouded by fog. He went through all the motions, but his mind was elsewhere.

When he finally walked out the bathroom, feeling a little more awake, Dream was scrolling through something on his phone, but when he saw George, Dream put it away immediately, with an almost guilty expression on his face. George didn't pay it much attention, but while he was walking through the streets, it came back to haunt him.


George sat down at the park bench, completely exhausted from pushing around Dream's wheelchair all day. The sun was starting to set, and George wanted to get back to their hotel soon, but he needed a rest.

Dream simply watched George, a guarded expression on his face. George sat up straight, a memory suddenly striking him.

Staring at the monitor screen. George closed the new window he'd started up, and turned his gaze away for Dream's privacy. But he couldn't help noticing a particular tab that had search results open for a search query that chilled his blood.

"How to commit suicide", it read.

"What are you thinking?" Dream interrupted George's recollection, bringing him back to the present.

George bit his lip, debating whether or not he should tell Dream what he'd witnessed that day.

"I- uh..." George hesitated. He took a deep breath.

Don't Give Up On Me - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now