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TW: Mentions of/References to suicide/death


He blinked his eyes open in the darkness, turning his head to the boy laying next to him. All at once, pain seized his heart as he recalled his plans for today. He quietly shifted in bed, shutting off his watch's alarm as quickly as possible and trying to sit up as quietly as possible. He eased himself into his wheelchair and wheeled himself to the desk, whipping out a sheet of paper and a pen.

He sat there for a moment, then began writing, pausing quite often to think, often scratching out words aggressively, and he started over twice. Finally, he finished writing, and just sat there for a moment, staring at it. During all this time, the sun still hadn't risen yet. It was approximately 5 in the morning, actually.

After another good twenty minutes passed, the boy put down his pen and wheeled himself away from the table. He paused again next to the other boy, who was still sleeping soundly. He sat there for another twenty minutes, the cogs in his mind turning frantically, until finally, he leaned down and ghosted the sleeping boy's forehead with a kiss. He turned away hurriedly, wheeling himself away as quickly as possible, almost as if he stayed longer, he would hurt himself.

The boy gently pushed open the door, cringing every time it creaked. The sleeping boy continued in his slumber, and the door finally opened large enough to squeeze the wheelchair through. The boy wheeled himself out of the door, shutting it gently behind himself. Again, he stared, at the door this time, this time for only ten minutes before tearing himself away and proceeding to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face clumsily, all without turning on the lights. He finally exited the bathroom, and wheeled himself back to the bedroom door, staring again. His brain was working overtime, overthinking, second guessing.

But the boy went through with his plan. When he turned away from the door again, it was with a sort of finality, and he wheeled himself to the door and outside without looking back. He called a taxi from his phone and with the help of the driver, got into the taxi and was away.

Around this time, the sun was starting to rise. In a few hours, George would awaken, but Dream would already be far away. In a plane.

To Maine.


George blinked his eyes open, reaching out instinctively for Dream's hand, but the bed beside him was empty. It was also cold, signifying that Dream must've left a long time ago. He sat up, instantly awake and worried.

Where's Dream?

George swung his legs out of bed, pushing open the bedroom door. The bathroom door was ajar, meaning Dream probably forgot to close it when he used it, as George was completely sure that he closed it yesterday night.

George stood, padding through the hallway on bare feet. "Dream?"

His voice echoed in the house, receiving no response. George's heart began to race.

Don't overthink, he might just be taking a walk- I mean, a wheelchair walk, oh whatever. Don't jump to conclusions.

George drew the curtains open, staring outside. The sun glittered off the layer of frost that covered the lawn, but no Dream. He began to panic.

Come on, don't panic. It might not necessarily mean what you think.

George walked back into the bedroom, looking for any clues that Dream might've left behind about his whereabouts. Again, the same piece of paper that caught his eye yesterday, this time buried in the trash can.

The 2 had been crossed out. 1 had been scribbled on it, and the paper was a little crinkled. George crumpled the paper in his hand tightly, squeezing his eyes shut, not wanting to believe it. When he blinked them open again, his eyes were drawn to another sheet of paper that was laying on the bedroom's desk, which was definitely not there before.

George stepped towards the desk, not wanting to read it. When he finally brought himself to read it, his heart sank lower with every. Single. Line.

He dropped to his knees, feeling the tears well up and drip onto the paper. He squeezed his eyes shut for a few minutes, blinking them open again and reading the note again.

Nothing changed. His eyes blurred over with tears, and he stumbled away from the desk, backing up against the door and sliding down, crumpling within himself.

And George spent the rest of the day, trying to hold the pieces of his heart together, but it felt as though they were liquid, sliding between his fingers and slipping away.

Just like the way Dream had slipped away.

You see, he left. He left on a plane, and he was currently crossing the Atlantic Ocean and George could do nothing about it. Dream was flying to Maine.

For his euthanasia appointment.


But in all seriousness, thank you guys all so much for the support, it's really been amazing! Throughout writing this book, I went from less than 10 followers to over 120 followers, and I really can't thank you all for reading and supporting me. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 <3 <3

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