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  George stared at Dream. Instead of horror, the blonde boy had an expression of amusement.

  "Cliché." He commented, laughing. "This belongs in a Wattpad story."

  George bit his lip, then glanced around the hotel. "There's got to be blankets, right? Something I could-"

  Dream cut George off. "It's fine. I'll sleep on the inside, and you sleep on the outside, so I don't fall out of bed and can't get up." George was taken aback by Dream's boldness.

  "I don't want to sleep with you." George stated bluntly. Dream burst out wheezing.

  "If you say it like that, of course not! Just keep the socks on." Dream winked. "You know the drill."

  "I do not." George blushed, looking down at his hands. Dream was silent, watching George.

  "Fine." George spoke, if only to break the silence. "Fine," he repeated. "I'll sleep— I'll do this— thing." Dream suppressed his laughter, and wheeled himself into the bathroom. George stared after Dream, playing with his fingers, almost sheepish.

  Dream exited the bathroom after a few minutes, after which George was still staring after the blonde. Dream met George's gaze, an almost knowing look, then wheeled away. George unfroze himself, following Dream and helping the blonde get himself comfortable in bed. After settling Dream in a sitting up position with his laptop in his lap, George sat at the small table provided by the hotel, and opened up his laptop. George found himself staring at a blank Java file. Finally, Dream spoke up.

  "You want to just sleep? We'll probably need an early start if you want to actually travel instead of yawning your head off in museums or something. I don't bite, George."

  George jumped, unnaturally shocked. "Oh-what? Yeah. Um, sure." George awkwardly padded over to the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed, as far away from Dream as possible.

  "George, I'm not some sort of nightmare. You can sleep normally. Don't fall out of bed for me." Dream laughed, wheezing.

  George hesitantly scooted closer to the center of the bed, and laid down, curling up underneath the covers, turning his back to Dream.

  "I can't kill you. I can't even brush my own teeth. Relax." George waved Dream away good naturedly, and shut his eyelids, welcoming the dark that it brought, falling asleep quickly.


  George woke up to a warm breath on his ear. George blinked his eyes open, and was greeted by the sight of the white fabric of Dream's shirt up close. It took a minute to realize the position he was in, and when he did, he felt his face flame up. George jerked away, and Dream roused in response, groaning slightly.

  "What time is it?" He breathed, yawning. George was silent for a moment, then reached for his phone, groping around on thin air before feeling the cold screen of his phone and pulling it towards himself.

  "It's about 7am. We should probably get up." George put his phone down, sitting up, feeling the sheets fall off his chest. He sat in uncomfortable silence, watching Dream, before remembering.

  Right, Dream can't even sit himself up.

  George awkwardly helped Dream sit up, propping him up against the pillows. George then jumped out of bed, rolling the wheelchair out. Dream yawned, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes. George gently eased him into the wheelchair, then pushed him into the bathroom.

  When they'd finished their business in the bathroom, George flopped down on the armchair and sat across Dream, propping open his laptop on his lap.

  "What's the plan for today?" George asked, pulling up a blank note.

  "Hm... Not sure." Dream mused. "I was thinking we could hit on the bigger landmarks or whatever today, and then, from that, we could look more into what we like."

  "Uh... ok." George fumbled for his list of destinations. "So... We could go to the Eiffel Tower, obviously. I was thinking maybe we save the Louvre for tomorrow, since it's such a big museum. Unless you want to go look at the Louvre first and then look at the Eiffel Tower at night? Maybe that'll be a better view..." George trailed off. They'd clearly not planned this out at all.

  "Well." Dream chuckled slightly. "I think, yeah, Louvre first, and then the Eiffel Tower. We should draw up a plan tonight about where we want to go tomorrow, instead of brainstorming stuff last minute."

  George scoffed. "You know, that was supposed to be your job, Dream."

  Dream shrugged. "I mean, I was kind of riddled with a fever on and off. What do you want from me?"

  George felt himself tense up.

  Way to ruin a moment.

  He cleared his throat. "Well then, I'm going to go snatch up some tickets, and you can...?"

  "I might as well try to edit a video or something. The fans will be wondering..." Dream trailed off, staring into the distance.

  "No, Dream, it's supposed to be a vacation. Don't bog yourself down with work."

  Dream bit his lip, then finally relented. "Okay, fine, but I get to help you."

  George shrugged. "I didn't say no."

A/N: Ayyyyy I'm back, sorry for the long wait. I've been working on a lot of schoolwork and stuff, and I've also been doing a lot of writing for my new book, which you can find on my profile (subtle plug hehe). I'll try to update more often now, because I want to wrap up this story before the end of the year.

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