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A/N: LMAO I'm not a doctor I don't know what I'm talking about


That night was chaos. Dream woke George up from the nearby sofa he was sleeping on at approximately 2:30 am.

"Dream, what's up?" George yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open. He checked his watch. Yeah. Too early.

"I'm not feeling well." Dream mumbled into his covers, voice weak and tired. George tried to keep his eyes open, rubbing the sleep from his face. George leaned down and felt Dream's forehead.

It was burning hot.

George felt immediately more alert. "You're going to need some help." He stood up and hurried to wake Dream's mother up. George felt a little out of place when he saw Dream's mother in a large baggy t-shirt but brushed it away. Dream was sick, and he needed help.

"Dream's burning up." George said urgently, then turned around, rushing back to Dream. On the way, he snatched up a first aid kit that he had found and a glass of water.

When he got back, he knelt down gently beside the bed, speaking quietly to Dream.

"Here, take these pills. I've got some water." Dream's eyes were glazed over, foggy, and focused on a spot in the distance. George shook Dream urgently, and Dream didn't fight when George forced the pills down his throat. George gently lifted Dream into an upright position and gave Dream the glass of water. Dream's arm shook and spilled the water.

"Careful!" George exclaimed. Dream brought the glass to his mouth and drank it quickly. Dream shivered.

"Cold." He muttered, eyes focused on a faraway place. George frowned, as Dream's body temperature was pretty high. George helped him lie back down, and felt his forehead again.

It was still burning, but he couldn't expect the pills to work immediately. George sat in a chair, sitting upright, and watched Dream.

Dream was panting heavily. George watched, brow furrowed. He leaned forward and placed a hand on Dream's forehead. It had already been a few moments, and there was no improvement at all.

"Should we take him to the hospital?" A tired voice came from the doorway. Dream's mother was leaning in, bags under her eyes, looking exhausted.

"I'm not sure. It's a fever. I don't remember if the doctor said anything about being more vulnerable since he's paralyzed, but we might need to, just to be safe." George answered slowly and uncertainly.

Dream muttered in his sleep. Three words. George leaned forward but missed it. He sank back, deep in thought.

"I think we should bring him to the hospital. Better safe than sorry, anyways." Dream's mother nodded her agreement, and immediately left to start up the car.

George woke Dream up again and coaxed him in the wheelchair. George made sure to bundle him in a blanket before leaving, in case the wind blowing outside was to make his fever worse. He loaded Dream into the car, and sat down next to Dream, constantly checking Dream's temperature.

It didn't get any better. They pulled up to the hospital, and George wheeled Dream out, Dream's mother talking rapidly with the lady behind the front desk. The lady behind the front desk called in a nurse, who led them to another room. Back in here again. The nurse took Dream's temperature, did some sort of tests and checkups, and then left. After a few minutes, she walked back in, accompanied by another doctor.

"Dream's currently running a fever. This is going to be extra dangerous for him because, since the car crash, his organs aren't functioning that well, especially those located in the lower torso, close to where he is paralyzed. We'll need to keep a close eye on him. However, this fever may be recurring." The doctor spoke, looking at George and Dream's mom with an almost stern eye.

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