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George stood up, eyes still raw and sore, and walked as steadily as he could manage to Dream's bathroom, vanishing inside for a good fifteen minutes. When he pushed the door open to the bedroom, Dream was lounging in his wheelchair, as normal, staring out the window. The blonde boy turned around at the sound of the door being moved and locked eyes with George.

For an instant, George could've sworn something flashed through Dream's eyes, something that made his expression seem brighter, something that changed, but it was gone before George could be sure. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I'm coming with you." George announced.

They both knew what he was talking about.

"No." Dream spoke quietly.

"Yes." George replied firmly. "I deserve to be there."

Dream seemed to physically recoil at his words, and George immediately felt bad. But he didn't say anything.

I need to guilt Dream into letting me go.

Dream was silent.

"Please?" George whispered, taking a step towards Dream.

Dream seemed to be having a mental battle, frowning and furrowing his eyebrows. Finally, he spoke again.


George gritted his teeth. Time for Plan B, then.

Wait, what was Plan B?

George did something that bordered between a snort and a cough, and Dream gave him a strange look.


"I'm going anyways." George crossed his arms. Dream frowned.

"Now's not the time to be stubborn, George."

George creased his eyebrows. "Umm no, you were the one who was stubborn on killing yourself and leaving me behind."

Dream winced again, and George felt a pang in his chest.

The pair stayed silent, until George finally cleared his throat.

"I'm going, and there's nothing you can do to change my answer. Just like there's nothing I can say to stop you from fucking killing yourself." George spoke through gritted teeth.

Dream screwed his eyes shut, and George waited. Quietly, quietly, Dream spoke again.

"Fine. I won't go." Dream breathed.

George's eyes widened. "Really?"

Dream nodded. "I won't go." He repeated.

"Oh, thank you so much!" George flung his arms around Dream, which resulted in a slight grunt from the blonde boy. George stepped back awkwardly. "Sorry, did I hurt you?"

Dream shook his head, but there was a small smile set on his lips.

"Ummm..." George hesitated. "Do you want to go somewhere? To celebrate?"

"Celebration? It's not a celebration for me." Dream shrugged.

George's face fell. He managed to pick up the pieces before an awkward silence fell again. "Well, it is for me. Come on, let's go somewhere!"

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" Dream went along with George's idea.

George paused. "I dunno. Maybe just walk outside. Well," George hastily corrected himself, "I'll walk and you, uh, sit."

Dream snorted.


Dream shook his head, waving George off.

Don't Give Up On Me - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now