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George thumbed through Dream's closet, searching for a few good outfits. They were traveling all over Europe, so chances were, they were going to need all kinds of clothes for all kinds of weather. They were going to Paris first, then stopping off at London to go pick up some things from George's house. Then, they would set off on a month-long journey throughout Europe. Dream chucked a shirt at George's back.

"I'm not wearing that!" Dream protested. George turned around and picked it up, inspecting it. It was his merch.

"Dream!" George shot back. "It's my merch, why wouldn't you want to wear it?"

Dream folded his arms like a little baby and pulled a face.

"It's stinky! It's stinky 'cause it's your merch!" Dream frowned playfully. George rolled his eyes and tossed the shirt back.

"You're wearing that. And I'm making sure you wear that at least ten times during the next month." George threatened, shaking his finger in Dream's face.

"Are you kidding me? Ten times? What, are you not going to wash it?" Dream wrinkled his nose in mock disgust.

George bent over his own backpack and pulled out a few more shirts. "We don't need to." George smirked, a sly twinkle in his eye. Dream buried his face in his hands, exhaling, exasperated.

"How much of your own merch do you have?" Dream rolled his eyes.

"I have every piece that has ever been released, idiot! But I only brought a few here." He replied. George gestured to the pile of shirts he had pulled out of his backpack just prior.

Dream facepalmed, then sighed. "Whatever. No one will recognize us, anyways. Me in a wheelchair, us in Greece or something. Nobody will know." George gave Dream a look of half pity, the other half — what? He didn't really know.

"Hey! We could bring along Sapnap, you know, if we go to Greece. That'd be cool!" Dream perked up, smiling childishly.

George considered the idea for a moment, then turned it down. "Honestly, do you think Sapnap goes around being a tour guide or something? He probably would know just about as much as we do if we went to Greece or whatever." Dream frowned, then shrugged.

"Just an idea." Their voices faded into silence, each silently folding and placing their clothes and other belongings into their own duffel bag. Dream had insisted on bringing them, the two duffel bags that he had magically generated out of nowhere, and George hadn't objected. Now, he half wished he did, because the duffel bag was a little too small for all the clothes on that trip. Finally, George spoke up.

"Dream, do you really think we can fit all of these clothes in here?"

Dream snapped his head up. He'd been distractedly folding clothes for the past half-hour, a few times accidentally missing the bag when he shoved the neatly folded clothes into it.

"I don't know." He finally answered, voice distracted. George sighed, and continued trying to pack his bag.

The next hour passed in comfortable silence, Dream distracted, like always, and George looking over at Dream periodically to catch him staring off into the distance, or more commonly, at George. He didn't know what to make of it. They continued packing, and Dream finally broke the silence.

"Can you help me shut this duffel bag? It's really tight." George glanced over. Dream was struggling to zip up his duffel bag, as George had expected. A month's worth of clothes was not meant to be stored in a duffel bag, no matter how big that duffel bag is.

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