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A/N: Yo, so, I've never gone to a spa before, so disregard everything I say in here, cuz it's just what I imagine it to be okay???????


It was finally time to travel. And it felt like the worst timing ever.

Dream's mental condition had been on a steady decline. Today, he had refused to talk with George, instead folding his arms and staring off into the distance, often with his hands curled into fists by his side. It was a miracle that George had been able to coax the younger out of bed, into the car, and now, waiting for the flight.

"This'll be fun." George smiled encouragingly. Dream remained stone-faced. "Come on, cheer up! Didn't you tell me you wanted to travel since you were little?"

Dream twitched, expression shifting. "Yeah." He finally muttered. George struggled to mask his frustration at Dream's indifference. He flopped down on one of the airport's rigid, uncomfortable cold seats, and crossed his legs, tapping his foot impatiently.

After what felt like an hour, but in reality, was literally only 20 minutes, their flight was called. George stood up, forcing cheerfulness, and pushed Dream towards the flight attendant, who was smiling pleasantly. Together, they helped Dream get into his seat, and George settled next to Dream, almost bouncing in his seat. After a few minutes, Dream laid a hand on George's arm.

"What?" George asked innocently, turning his gaze back to Dream.

"Calm down." Dream's eyes sparkled slightly with amusement, clearly in a better mood. George settled in his seat, and laid back against the seat, relaxing slightly.

Suddenly, George became aware of the fact that Dream's hand was still on George's arm. He tensed, looking back at Dream. Dream was somehow asleep, and his attention was jerked away from the blonde when the flight attendant announced that they would be taking off shortly.

Luckily, Dream and George had gotten the three seats in that row to themselves. George felt as Dream's hand left his arm, and he became hyper-aware of the cool air that hit his arm.

Dream was wide awake again, eyes open, watching George with that same sparkle of amusement.

"I thought you were excited?" Dream commented. George blushed, and turned his glance to the gray back of the seat in front of him. He closed his eyes, soothed by the consistent white noise generated by the engines and the sound of Dream's quiet breath beside him, and fell asleep quickly.


George was awoken by the flight attendant tapping him on his shoulder. The first thing he registered was that the plane was dark. The second thing he noticed was that Dream's head was leaning on his shoulder. George tensed up, and Dream awoke as well, blinking his eyes open. Dream met George's eyes, then smiled, and closed his eyes again. George opened, then closed his mouth, nothing to say. The flight attendant tapped his shoulder again.

"What would you like?"

George checked his watch. It was approximately dinner in their destination, France.

"Um... Not sure, give me a sec." George made sure to not make too abrupt of a movement, mindful of Dream resting on his shoulder. George quietly ordered his food, and some for Dream as well, and finally, almost disappointed, forced Dream to get up.

"That was comfy." Dream mumbled. George chuckled to hide his embarrassment, and turned away, flustered. The pair dug into their food, and by the time they finished, it was an hour due until landing. George scanned his surroundings, and packed up his belongings, gently tugging his copy of Harry Potter, which had somehow ended up in Dream's grip. Finally, he shook Dream awake as the plane landed.

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