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After a lot of confused scrolling through shady French websites, George managed to get his hands on a pair of tickets. George stood up and threw on a coat, tossing Dream his, and scanned around the hotel quickly.

"Anything else we need?"

"Your wallet."

"Oh, whoops." George chuckled.

George disregarded it, pushing Dream downstairs and outside, breathing in the fresh air.

"Grab something for breakfast?" He asked, stopping outside a small shop.

Dream shrugged. "Sure."

George pushed the door open and pushed Dream in, bracing himself for the stares.

"Je peux vous aider?" The worker spoke quickly without looking up. George stood still for a moment, confused.

"Ah. Hello, can I help you?" The worker looked up, giving George his full attention.

"Uh, Dream, what do you want?"

Dream scanned the menu and responded.

"Bacon and eggs?" The worker gave Dream a strange look, then complied.

"And you?"

"Uh, just a coffee," George responded, shifting his weight onto his left foot.

"Okay, your coffee. And uh, the bacon and eggs, coming right up."

The worker passed over a small mug of coffee, and a plate to Dream, which George took. The worker nodded and took the cash that George was handing out.

"Merci! Thank you!" The worker waved them away, and George pushed Dream out of the shop, glad to be out of that awkward situation.

Not that people didn't stare on the streets. Plenty of them did, but at least it wasn't as crowded as that shop. George parked Dream at a nearby bench and sat down, amusedly sipping his coffee as he watched Dream awkwardly down his breakfast. When they'd both finished, he tossed the plate and the cup into a nearby trash can.

"So. Right, the Louvre. Come on, let's go." George spoke, starting to push Dream towards their destination. To George's relief, the Louvre wasn't too far from where they were sitting. George noticed the way that Dream's shoulders tensed up as they approached the crowd, and he laid a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"George, there's a long line here." Dream spoke up.

"No shit Sherlock," George responded, rolling his eyes.


"What?" George pressed his lips together in order to suppress a snicker.

"Language!" Dream spoke mockingly, imitating BadBoyHalo's voice.

"You are a grown man. Normalize swearing. I'm quite literally older than you." George smirked.

Dream placed a hand on his heart as though he was offended. "Just because you're older doesn't mean you're more mature."

"Yeah, but in this case, it does."

Dream stuck his tongue out at George. George, in retaliation, smacked him lightly with his water bottle. Dream frowned.

"Ow." He clutched at his shoulder.

"Wait, did that actually hurt?" George panicked slightly.

Dream smirked. "Just kidding."

George smacked him again.


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