7. It's always worse the next day

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The day after the reception was the worst. The hangover and the ringing in my ear weren't as bad as the sight in front of me. A naked woman. 

Her body was bruised - bite marks over her tan skin. Her dress was torn, and so was the undergarment, laying on the floor.

Like the cold seeping through the cracks from the window, the memories from last night seeped in. 

After Agustin told me about his fondness for Valentina, I set my plan in motion. Maria had been hounding me for a grandchild and I delayed it for as long as possible.

The woman with whom I wanted to birth and rear a child was long gone. The only thing that remained of Elena was her memories - the knowledge that she was with our child.

The requirement to have a male heir was to show our allies that their ruler was well equipped to handle business, both inside and outside the house. My brothers were incompetent on matters about women.

Alejandro wasn't into the idea of dating a woman, let alone marry one. He had the temper to kill a girl if she so much as raised her voice at him. That lone wolf wasn't marriage material, let alone a father. 

According to Maria, Agustin still had a lot of learning to do about the Syndicate before having kids of his own.

From what I saw, Agustin was all grown up, wanting to sleep with the new bride. Valentina was the type of woman Agustin usually preferred, although the woman he truly cared about was quite the opposite of it.

"Good morning..." The woman next to me stirred, slowly blinking her way into the reality of the morning. "Last night was fun."

She smiled, gradually drawing the sheets over her bare self. I didn't have much recollection of the time since yesterday but needless to say, a lot of alcohol was involved. Enough for me to make all the wrong decisions.

The woman moved off the bed, capturing my attention. Inches after another, she slid the crème- colored sheet off her body. Her warm brown eyes invited me and I took rather gladly. 

No man could say no to a naked woman. I wasn't made of stone either.

Tossing her on the bed, I bucked my knees near her, taking a better view of the spread siren. Sure, I didn't recollect the night that was yesterday but I would be a damn idiot if I let this opportunity pass too.

Without wasting a second more, I thrust my hoisted member inside her rear. 

Her moans - loud and grunting - were music to my ears. Bunching her hair in my fist, I tamed the wild mare that was her body. With every thrust, she gargled saliva.

"Yessss..." She groaned. "Antonio... Yesss..."

With every spank over her round bottom, she whimpered, clutching the bed covers into a bunch. The symphony of her grunting moans, of howling pleases and yesses were my accomplishment. She banged her hands on the bed like tapping out with pleasure.

"Godd... Yes..."

"Take it." My knees trembled at the finish line. 

My eyes felt black sparks and every nerve frizzled like fireworks going inside me. Bending into the sheets, her muffled voice thanked me, grinding over me for another round. Her raspy voice whispered something but my burning lungs and blurry vision needed a break. 

Water, perhaps.

My thoughts drifting off into how I would handle the cartel work once my father retired. It was a heavy responsibility that loomed over me. Heavier, with nobody to share the burden.

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