44. Every Ally Count

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Days drawn up to a day before our shipment had been stressful. We were all prepared for glitches in the system and issues with manpower, although none occurred. It was like waiting for a bomb to go off anytime.

The whole family has been on edge with every passing day. Ma's church visits have increased in the light of the D-day. Sofia and Valentina were her pillar of strength but with the passing days, even they were preoccupied. Val, especially has been looking after every single detail with a hawk's precision.

"Are you ready?" she called out from the door.

The Castros were landing back in today, a day prior to the deal. We, the gracious hosts were more than willing to take them around as a gesture of goodwill. Without their help, nothing would have been possible. Every ally count.

"Yes," I stood up, grabbing my coat. "After you, Valencita."

She blushed. Her hand wrapped around mine. A slight tilt of her body towards mine made me want to hold her inside the layers of my clothes, closest to me.

Over the span of a year, Valentina has turned from a stranger to a partner to what she was now, my life and the air I breathe. Before her, I was directionless, rolling in the wrath and heartbreak of a lost love. She came into my life, knocking off doors and windows I held shut for long. After two years of losing my first wife, my second one made me fall on my feet again for her.

"When do they arrive?" She looked at her watch before turning to me. We stood near the runway, awaiting their arrival. It was barely a few minutes past their landing schedule but Valentina already looked desperate.

I held her close to me, watching her eyes roam the length of the runway. "Hey," I tilted her face. "They will come. You tell me how are you feeling?"

She nodded, coiling her arms behind me. "I am fine. Nervous, but fine."

She breathed in the cold air and exhaled out the warm release onto my neck. Her hands roamed over my back with her taunting me with her comfortable moans.

"You want me to take you here?" I whispered to her. Her head encroached inside my coat, nuzzling her way into the last piece of clothing. "Val, we are not playing right now."

Chuckling, she placed butterfly kisses over my chest. In the middle of pleasant wind, Valentina's warm breath awoke the feeling of love inside me again.

The craft cruised past us and a while later, the Castro twins emerged with their over the top confidence that reeked through their faces.

Valentina moved forward, escorting them from the last step before their feet touched the ground. Damiela took her hand and moved her to a side. Their talks were muffled by the engine which was slowing to a halt. Dante held me up for an embrace, patting my back. I reciprocated. If there was a time and place to be good and nice, it was now.

Every ally count, reared back in my head.

Dropping them to the guest house, we went back to ours. The evenings would be when my brothers and I along with Valentina and Sofia would meet them for a night of fun. A pre-celebration of the success we all could almost taste.

During lunch, Maria stayed silent.

"What happened, mamá?" I asked.

Although she pressed a hard half smile to emerge on her face, the rest seemed to notice my words. Al, who sat opposite to me chucked, stuffing food into his mouth. Dad swat his hand across to silence him. But when Agustin was unable to hold onto his laughter, cracking up at the table, everyone roared.

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