39. My wife wouldn't want that

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It only took Antonio a few days to stay away from me for the heavy realization to jog my senses. Every part of me craved for him. He had become the addiction I had refrained from enjoying. He knew all the right words and deeds to play me on, driving me onto the edge.

Gosh, what have I done to myself? I had fallen for my doom.

Sitting in Maria's room, my mind wandered to all things I wanted to do to Antonio when he returned. I has shun myself from those thoughts before, telling me that only one thing needed focus- Elena. But every passing day had me think more of my husband, the man whom every cell in my existence craved for.

The task I assigned to Nico about Elena returned empty handed. All he did in his cabin was drink and sleep. As a last resort, I sought Mateo's help in getting her information. If Antonio trusted him, then so could I. Gabriel's trainee, Mateo was helping me seek how she managed to place the box on my bed, in open daylight.

"What do you think, Val?" Maria twirled Sofia with a blue ribbon tied around her waist. I watched in amusement, how Sofia showed no signs of desperation. Her last attempt to escape was spoiled, yet here she was, smiling away at Maria's marriage preparations.

I didn't have the guts to tell Maria about our plan. If Santos caved into us strong arming him, Sofia would be returned unscathed. She wouldn't have to marry Alejandro and Agustin would be saved a heartbreak.

When Sofia cleared her throat, I focused on them.

"He will be back soon," Maria fastened the lace over Sofia's dress. They both stifled a giggle. "I can see your rising impatience, Val."

Falling beside, Maria gestured her index finger into a round. Like a mechanical doll, Sofia twirled again, looking at us. "Is this better, Val?" she asked, eying her satin gown.

"Why I am here, Ma?" ignoring her words, I whispered to Maria. She patted my clubbed hands and revealed a half smile.

"I know you are angry at her but she was justified in escaping." Maria whispered back, eying her doll. I was scorned at Sofia but by siding with her, Maria was willing to partake a piece of my dissent. "She was doing what was good for her."

I knew, Sofia was justified by all means. It was the nag of betrayal, that had me act sour. I had taken Sofia to the church to escaping the maddening silence of the house. She choose that place for her escape. It felt like a kick she delivered in my abdomen when all I ever did was to support her. I was repaid with betrayal.

"If there isn't anything else, I would want to leave." I stood up, awaiting Maria's permission.

I wasn't bound to adhere to her instructions but it was something that I found myself doing willingly. When I moved outside, Sofia's call and thrumming footsteps followed me. She held my hand and turned me. I saw her panting, stooping lowed and resting her hands over her knees.

"Val, I know you are mad at me but I am not sorry." I was expecting an apology, one which Sofia didn't make. "It took me nights to figure out why you were angry but I know you are not mad at me for leaving, you are mad at yourself for trusting me. Although I failed in my attempt, I wanted to tell you that nowhere did I wanted to betray your trust."

I turned to walk away when she rounded her arm into mine, pulling me to a halt. "I am not finished," her eyebrows raised, as did her voice. "I said I am sorry for making you feel bad for your trust, it wasn't my intention. But I'm not sorry for escaping. You would have done that too."

She spoke her peace with a heaving chest. Stepping back, she disappeared into Maria's room. All I could feel was the warmth of my smile creeping up on my face, replaying the words of a little rebel in making. A weakling turning up strong.

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