40. The Lioness's strategy

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The days succeeding the ally meet had been good for us. The Castros' had sent more men to help with the shipment and the consignment delivery seemed to have fallen back on track. Although till the shipment was delivered, there is no means to tell what all could go wrong, I knew better than to put all my faith in the Italians.

With Val keeping an eye on each finality of the shipment, I knew her help would be required more with each passing day. If this consignment was delivered successfully, we would be one major power in the kingdom; ones to have a upper hand with the allies.

All that was still a plan, the successful execution still remained a dream I hoped to materialize. With only a few weeks till the D day, the household was buzzing with new people. Although Val and Agustin weren't in agreement over the Brazilian proposal, they had set their differences aside. Gabriel was the one whom I was most concerned with.

With every day that etched closer to the shipment, he seemed more distant than ever, even lost at times. I had rarely seen him distracted. Having always been a man of gathered thoughts, I was worried for his state of being. But the loyal man that he was, I knew never to doubt him. Whatever it was, I would know soon.

"Antonio," Gabriel walked in, holding a piece of paper in his hand. Talk of the devil, I thought. "You would want to read this."

I picked up the parchment, he placed on my table. The writing was clear, speaking the man's words.

Dear Antonio,

We had our differences in the past. For the time being, let's put it on hold and meet up on a neutral ground to decide what we want for our future.

Hurt or happiness.


I looked up at Gabriel who matched my expressions of confusion. Why would Santos want to meet me right before the deal? Was it because he wanted to concede to my dominion or was it another card play he held up closer to his chest?

I wasn't clear on the intent but knew that the man was desperate. Maybe the allies must have informed him of Sofia and Alejandro's marriage. With his arm twisted, pushing him into a helpless state, this might be his attempt to get his sister back with a parley.

"Tell Val," I looked up at Gabriel, who was lost in his own state of reverie. "She is coming with me."

Gabriel tilted his head, questioning my move but refrained from speaking. "I will get things ready for you two."

Two days passed in a blur. Val was aware of Santo's previous experiment when she met him in Spain. Being her cautious self, she ensured that we were thoroughly protected even though the meet was in a neutral territory. Her instructions to Mateo were specific to the point where I felt she was going to hunt for Santos herself.

When we arrived at this villa in Argentina, Valentina's calm expression dissolved into what I could fathom as cautions. She was once played by the man whom she assumed would be played by her. They both had their hands burnt, trusting each other. I wasn't surprised when Santos didn't come out to receive us. Valentina's smirk was a confirmation how she won this mind game round.

Upon entering the room, Santos greeted us, hoisting off the chair. The place seemed to be his meeting place with bare minimum furniture. A carved and intricate detailed desk and a few chairs alongwith a faded crème couch were the only things, the room contained. That and a small bar in one of the corners. The room had more bottles than books.

We shook hands with minimum spoken words. Our hostilities emerged since the dawn of our father's rule. We son's merely followed the legacies.

Santos moved back to his chair. Val eyed the whole place, her lips curved up to a crooked smile. "This is better than the place you had last," she mocked.

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