12. I know my worth

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A loud knock outside my door shattered the peace inside my room. Being aware of the entity that was to arrive, I didn't even have to tell him to enter. Gabriel was dutiful to abide by his master's instructions. As he walked in, he scanned the lilac walls adorned with portraits.

Muscular arms slowly shut the door behind him. Gradually, his head turned at a glacial melting pace before landing over me.

"This room doesn't have cameras," I said, putting his doubts to ease. His furrowed eyebrows uncurled. With it, the drumming in my head too fell silent.

Gabriel walked across from me towards the window. He scanned the outside like a hawk before pulling back the curtains. The room immediately plunged into a darker hue.

I never liked dark rooms. It triggered the memory of the ominous aura inside dad's room after my mother passed away. I hated his room and avoided entering it. The darkness of his room reflected the absence of love and light, of mamá. But whenever it was absolutely necessary, I always flicked every switch in my wake, ensuring I wasn't a victim to the hold of the darkness like papa.

"Can we keep the window open?" I asked, pointing to the drawn up shades.

"You don't want the maids talking..." Gabriel was quick to respond.

"Then how about the lights?"

Dutifully he turned on the lamps, illuminating the room before falling on a wingback chair. His eyes remained fixed on me. Tingles ran over my skin and bones. His gaze intensified, heating my flesh, boiling my blood. I knew Antonio had already informed Gabriel of his requirement in my room. The loyal man was ready to do anything for his mater, even impregnate his wife, if need be.

I looked away from those amber eyes that peered me to death. The rising turmoil in me held the power of a roaring tsunami, crashing against the walls of my chest, weakening the foundations of my determination. When the sound of trickling water emerged from my side, I looked back. Gabriel carried a brimming glass towards me, eying all the areas surrounding us be me.

I stayed silent and procured the vessel to finish its content.

"Alejandro will be going to Spain next month," Gabriel spoke in a softer tone.

Why was he telling me this?

"So?" I crossed my arms around my chest.

"I thought you wanted to know... because of your travel." I was surprised by his statement but more towards the newer information. Gabriel must have read my frazzled expressions. "You can talk to the boss..."

"Oh, I'm going to talk to him." I was outside the room before the last of words left my lips.

The door in Antonio's room was ajar. Muffled voices emanated from the inside. Although unclear of the entities present inside, I was unwilling to walk into yet another sex show. After two loud knocks and a throat clearing that felt like a cat gurgling out hairball, I walked in.

The voices went silent when I entered. Inside, my vision landed on Agustin. He usually donned a smile but not today. Today, he remained stoic and didn't even bother acknowledging me. Gabriel's words resonated inside my head when I turned towards Antonio.

I was being sent to Spain without my consent.

Leaning into his chair, Antonio clasped his palms, tapping his index finger over his wrist. Similar to Agustin, he too donned the mask of silence, of unwavering expressions. Surely, he must have expected me to be sprawled by now, being taken by Gabriel. I sniffed a whiff of disappointment.

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