45. Cariño's Chicanery

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The day was here. Everything Antonio had worked on since being made a head was all going to bear fruits today. Today, the events would unravel.

The household held a different vibe since early morning. Maria had attended the early morning mass. She ensured each member of the Moralez would break bread together. It was not only because the new tradition matched her older one, it was also due to what she stood prepared for.

Maria was no stranger to the incidences that happen to chiefs and heads on deal days. Not only were the enemies on watch, there was always a fear of the intelligence agency monitoring every move, ready to crackdown.

A somber breakfast affair was soon followed by her drawing a cross on everyone's body before letting us go. When it was my turn, her teary eyes fluttered as she chanted a little prayer before placing both her hands on my head and running it down my face.

"Take care of yourself and my child," she whispered.

The scared reality of a mother was soon replaced with a strong woman who was ready for any challenge for her family. She drew a deep breath and walked out with me. I watched Maria. With every breath and step, determination rose in her eyes. Her pale face grew pink, frown turned upside down and her feeble voice was replaced with a roar of a woman who was ready to send her cubs for the hunt.

She indeed carried the mark of a true woman. My strong mamá.

When we arrived at the dockyard, Gabriel emerged from inside. He placed stacks of papers in our hand, pointing to places where our men would be employed. Antonio talked to him, gesturing a thumbs up at the end while I walked around the area.

For anyone watching us now, it would look like an abandoned area with nothing. The shipment was at another dockyard, safe and managed by Alejandro. Agustin was his second in command. Our meet here was for the final signing, ratifying the shipping documents.

I watched Gabriel as he fidgeted, tapping his feet. With every passing second, he grew vary.

"Hey Gabriel, could you check the vicinity while we are here?" I asked. "The twins can be here any minute."

He looked over to Antonio who was busy reading the document. Dragging his steps he walked away, leaving us in the silence of the storage. Pleasant morning was greeted with the warmth of the sun that grew over us.

Suddenly, a trumpet of vehicles, of quick brakes and tires screeching outside filled the surrounding, echoing in the emptiness. Antonio tossed the document to a side and grabbed my hand, pulling me close. His hand dipped into his back and fished out his Beretta. Walling me behind, my heart raced as the Castros emerged from the exit.

Their people, man carrying heavy artillery closed the only escape route we had. The rhythmic pulsation in my ear grew frantic as they closed the distance. I watched Antonio as he pressed speed dial on his phone. Gabriel's face appeared on the screen but vanished in another instance.

We were trapped. This was it for us.

"Oh don't be scared, Antonio." Dante spoke in his thick accent. He walked over to us, inside the parameter his men had encircled us in. "It was all part of the plan."

Backing me into his shadow, Antonio moved ahead, facing Dante. With their pride eyes doing the talking, the rest watched. Dante's eyes moved from Antonio to me and back at him.

"We don't want to make it difficult for you," Damiela spoke aloud, her echo bounced off the area.

"What are you talking about?" Antonio's back faced me. He turned to glance at me before tossing his head towards the Castros. "I don't understand, what the hell it is. I swear, if this is a play to harm the business, then you will all suffer the worst fates you could imagine."

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