30. Número Uno Fan

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Sofia had been in our house for almost a month now. After Santo's attempt with a scare tactic, there hadn't been any more ruckus. Antonio was equivalently concerned as the rest of us. His silence meant only one thing, a war was brewing across the seas. We knew there was a mole in the house who was supplying information to him, but remained hidden for so long.

Antonio had at times expressed his doubts on Sofia being the mole. I had convinced him of othewise. I had seen her true nature most times and witnessed her under normal circumstance and during days when she was cornered by Al. She was for the lack of a better word, a weakling. She didn't have the guts to take a challenge of being an informant while staying in this house.

Sofia was one of those girls whom I had despised. Always running to men for help, she was what I considered to be an abomination. But with our close interactions and knowing her over time, I have realized that we all fit the container we were molded into. I was taught to be strong, she on the other hand, to await a savior.

Her room echoed with her laughter as I walked towards it. Seeing Agustin's growing liking her, I was sure it was him entertaining her.

As I opened the half closed door, my eyebrows danced up into my hairline. It wasn't Agustin who was taking to her, making her laugh. It was Alejandro, the man who on only a notable few occasions, had laughed or even smiled. He was holding onto his chest as he fell back on the bed, heaving for air. His flushed face and watery eyes told the story he tried to wipe away as soon as he saw me.

Alejandro liked Sofia's company to such an extent that she was able to break down barriers that made him what he was. A man made of stone.

Walking out, Al crossed me. I held his elbow to halt his steps. "Seems like someone likes her."

His eyes slapped onto my face and his lips taunted a hidden smile. "I never said I don't like her. She is.. okay." He scratched his head and patted my cheek before walked away.

In the hallway, I could hear him talk to someone with a nasal toned voice. My eyes rolled inwards and my teeth grinded themselves into powder.

Damiela Castro wasn't a girl I would have trusted but she seemed to be the one we owed our allegiance to for the time. She and her brother were the necessary evil we invited to stay at our place. And God, did she loved riling up me and Antonio. Every morning, since her arrival I had Antonio hold my hand at breakfast table to ensure I didn't poke her eyes out with a fork.

Since her stay, she had not only made Gabriel and Mateo her slaves by making them do all her mundane work, she hadn't shown an indication of completing her end of the bargain. Muscular Italian men promised to us were still awaiting arrival while she sat with us, breaking bread and screwing Alejandro for her pleasure.

With Al being the untamed horse who loved his woman wild, no amount of intervention could stop him from taking her in all room of the residence. Trust me, I tried.

"Val," Sofia's soft tone reached me. It overtook the demon woman's voice from outside. "Are you okay?"

I tilted my head to a side, sighing. "I guess."

She picked up her purse and walked over. Cooped up in the house, Sofia had stated her desire to attend the church choir and I was willing to take her. A part of me wanted to escape too.

With Antonio spending most of his time at the casino and Al and Agustin looking after the expansion plans, there were only a few people in the household I could speak to. I wasn't a girl who could sit on her ass whole day, enjoying her cocktail. I wanted action, I craved for it.

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