9. Get out, WOMAN

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Valentina left for home after I asked her to. Although she took me by surprise with her nonchalant attitude even after witnessing me fuck another woman, I assumed it to be a façade she tried maintaining.

Her laidback attitude, one which I had witnessed even when we were kids was only bought forth when she was hiding something. Having turned from childhood acquaintances to strangers, Valentina must have forgotten that I still could read her better than most. There remained no shadow of doubt in my mind that she was onto something.

Even with the Ramirez business takeover, I wasn't willing to trust another cartel member so soon, even if she came wrapped with the title called wife.

Although Alejandro was asked to look into her, all we received as of now was a clean slate. A part of me knew that nobody could have such a clean record, especially a cartel member. I knew she was putting up a veil to hide her true self. Forced or not, no woman would be comfortable with her husband being with another woman, even if it was simply an arrangement they had.

I knew something rotten was brewing behind her smiling and caring words.

Valentina was like bad weather, sneaking in on the sunshine that blessed us, Moralez. Though she was now a member of our large household and a larger family, it didn't vitiate the fact that she still needed to earn her trust like everyone else.

Of which, I was sure she would fail.


The drive to the mansion was soothing but once I entered the long driveway, the realization hit me. I was entering into a trap called marriage.

The Moralez were always a tight-knit family. We were never one to think of a nuclear structure. This house we all grew up in was passed down to us generation after another. Although the dilapidated walls were renovated, the soul of the house remained intact with the family love that tied its members together.

As far as I could remember the tale, my great-grandfathers, their sons and then dad with his brothers and sisters all stayed in here together. Nobody left this mansion because of a new addition.

Though my aunts' moved out after their marriages, my father and uncles stayed together. Together till one tried the betrayal route. Dad's second brother was the rotten fish that threatened to spoil an entire sea of Moralez work. Execution was the only way to get rid of the bad blood that crept into our family.

However, this mansion had become the epitome of family unity and under it, I had to pretend to be a loving, caring husband to a woman whose father's business was the only reason for me agreeing to our marriage.

If only I listened to Elena when she wanted to move out when she was pregnant. Had I done that, it would have been easier to ignore Valentina. Around my family, it was impossible.

The entrance of the mansion was lit with an array of lighting, twinkling like a starry night. It reminded me of Maria's birthday when the entire mansion would shimmer like a well-cut diamond. Those were the celebratory times.

Now, a day after marriage, I felt as if being invited to attend a funeral service.

Tiptoeing, I walked into my room. The silence was golden and in my case, less invasive. I didn't want to be bombarded with questions about the new bride making lone entry.

I was surprised to see my bedroom doors ajar. The help was given strict instructions about entering my room only when I ordered. Pushing open the creaking door panels, I scanned the sunlit place. The room looked untouched except for a new flower vase, long-stemmed roses peering at me.

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