31. Resurrections are real

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I drove to the location, leaving Gabriel in charge of Sofia. The narrow path was paved with rocks and gravel over which the tires crunched and danced before coming to a halt. "Your destination has arrived," filled up the silence in the car. The LCD screen dimmed itself along with all the lights in it.

The automatic sensing in car was expecting me to leave, unknowing of my unwillingness. Elena was alive. The voice of caller danced up in my ears.

Were the Moralez a part of a larger scam they played on me, letting me believe their first bride was dead? Or were they too unaware of these developments? Antonio's face floated in my mind as I remembered his words to me. We decided to play the part of being each other's partners for the world to see. 

Would it be over, if he knew about Elena?

My heart leapt in my mouth on those thoughts. It was then, I realized the power my husband held over me. The hold he possessed over every cell in my existence. When even the thought of him leaving me shook my world, I realized what Antonio had meant for me. What our deal truly represented.

Leaving the headlights on, I slid out of the car. Pale orange evening cover had engulfed the sky, calling back birds for the nigh, drawing its darker blanket. Winds blew at a lighter speed, carrying dead leaves to their new burial. Standing in the middle of a deserted cemetery, I looked around for a human presence. Anyone else left to stand alone in the middle of a cemetery would have been petrified. But here I was, willing to stand without an ounce of remorse. A part of me laughed back at me when it recalled Sofia's question on love.

Deranged people don't love. That should have been my answer for her.

A jeep rumbled in the distance, breaking the meditative silence of the place. Its headlights glowed closer before a woman jumped off the front seat. Hoodie wrapped her body as she carefully walked down the stairs, leading towards the place I stood at. The darkness of the place engulfed her, protecting her features till she emerged next to me.

Upon peeling off her head cover, the ground beneath me trembled. I fell back on a broken piece of granite that rested behind me. With legs unwilling to support and voice refusing to emit words, it was my hand that did its word, pointing a finger at the woman. Elena.

I remembered her subtle smile from the portrait that hung in Antonio's room. I recalled seeing all those photos with her smile, standing next to the Moralez in photo albums that were now covered in cobwebs in the attic. The last photo I remembered seeing had her in a coffin. She was dressed in a white dress, holding her marriage photo with Antonio over her resting hands. That was her last memory in the album.

"You were buried.." I uttered in my trembling voice. Pushing off the rock, I stood towering over her as she moved in circles around me. "How are you alive?"

"Resurrections darling. They do happen!" She smiled, circling around me as if I was a prey she wanted to hunt.

I was too scared to ask anything. With Ramon's wrongdoings already revving up in my thoughts, I wasn't ready to hear of another betrayal. It would crush me. It was only a while back when I started to believe Moralez to be my new family. Although they accepted me a long time back, it was only now, where I reciprocated the same.

I was taking up the role of the new head. I craved the same happiness that Sofia always beamed about. A part of me even considered the idea of making our marriage work. It would all become fruit of a poisonous tree if the family come to know of Elena's survival.

"You seem shocked," Elena called me out of my wild thoughts. She laughed softly, already able to read what I must be going through. "Don't worry, I am not here to reclaim Antonio."

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