36. Sister from another country

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When my eyelids flickered with the light that pierced through the lacy curtains, I turned over to watch the woman who drove me crazy yesterday. Adorned with a soft smile on her face, I was mesmerized by Val's carefree sleep. I wanted that for us but was willing to sacrifice mine to see her be peaceful.

A strand of brown curled lock irritated her forehead. As I tucked to behind her ears, she dipped her face into the pillow, stretching her body from her previous fetal position. Sheets slid off her silken skin, leaving her back exposed. I ran a finger over her spinal depression, stirring her. She turned, nuzzling her face into my chest. As I leaned over her face, kissing her neck, her moans confirmed her wake.

"Stubble," she rubbed her knuckles over my untrimmed beard. "It tickles."

Valentina carried all the world's seriousness over her shoulders only to surrender it to me. In a way, yesterday we both were free from out mortal hold, intertwining out souls. I felt being with a version of hers, I had never witnessed before. One who carried many layers to herself than just a killer, a trained assassin. Val was exhibiting her true form to me, one which she hid to protect herself.

Smiling, she pulled my face towards her lips, stroking it with care. Sliding out of the sheets, we held one another's naked body, dwindling into each other till we became we. Val peppered kisses over my neck, giggling before biting onto my collar.

"Ouch," I pulled her off. She smirked, instigating me for another round. Dipping her on the bed, I held her wrists over her head, running my finger between her wetness. Her eyes rolled into her head and her head, into the mattress. "Want to play, Cariño?"

Her pupils dilated, hearing me call her darling. A genuine soft smile rose on her lips. Placing mine over her swollen plumpness, I devoured her, cruising my teeth onto her lower lip.

"Antonio," she whispered in between our play. "I want.."

Ring. Ring.

Her word trail was broken. I growled, pulling my phone. Alejandro.

He never calls me. This must be something urgent. I slid the prompt asking me to pick up. Val tugged me onto her naked chest, playing with my hair. Upon hearing Al's words, my body tossed off the bed in some sort of spring action.

"What happened?" she asked, pulling a robe over her olive skin. It slid over her shoulder, unable to find friction in her smoothness. "I know something happened. What is it?"

I pulled my clothes on, zipping my pant up. "Sofia."

Those were the only words I could uttered while we both slid down the stairs and into the hall. Men scrambled around the house, checking places and the nearby areas. Our caged bird had managed to free herself.

Agustin paced around frantically, his hands stayed on his sides, occasionally balling into a fist. Al was the scorned one. His eyes burned a hole on the maroon carpet. A walkie-talkie was placed on the table near him. With every place scanned with a hawk's precision, the message confirming her absence kept emerging through voice messages.


Sofia is not found in the basement too.


Static noises emerged through the device before Al decided it was good to silence it. Tossing it over a wall, the black box smashed into smithereens. Val walked over to him, placing a hand over his shoulder.

"Who saw her last?" she asked.

He tilted his head towards the maid who stood at a distance. Val's steps quickened. She leaned next to her and the scared woman's expressions eased when Val held her hands. I had always observed the calm and ease effect Val carried with her whenever we were in a dire situation. She was an embodiment of a statue, peaceful and stable.

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