29. Sealed Fates

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Dante and Damiela Castro were a different type of humans. Born in the Italian mafia family, these twins did everything different from what any twin set would. The Italian family's biggest happiness turned like a horror movie when ten year old Damiela murdered their nanny. Since then, till the ages of twenty five, these two had been a pain in everyone's ass.

Dad had always spoken high about their family when their father, Rossi Castro managed business. Now, with his mad spawns handling things, many aspects of our business, our modes of operation were changes to be aligned with theirs. After all, the Castros were the mightiest after their Spanish counterparts, the Salazars.

"Aren't they like sort of," Val searched for words as she entered the study. "..weird. I almost thought they would have sex that night of the party." Looking over her shoulder, she confirming on their absence before plopping on the chair.

"Everyone assumed that." I said, knowing the truth. The Castro twins were fucked up in worst ways than any Game of throne characters.

After my last meet with them, a few weeks earlier, we decided to do dealings in Mexico. With Salazar's looming threat, it was always safe to work the home grounds before venturing out again. Not that the Castors' mind any place. Those weirdoes were glad to be anywhere if given the right kind of drug and people of their choice to sleep for the night.

"Why aren't they here yet? Val played with a strand of hair before tossing it off her face. As a person who stood by my side, she too was particular about timing. Another quality which made her more attractive.

With her black dress donned to receive the twins and as a generous hostess, Val was ready to ball over our guests. Her curves remained highlighted through the soft satin hugging her body. Her crossed legs moved apart upon hearing footsteps.

Al escorted the twins into the room. As gracious as ever, Val put on the show. Her hand rose towards then, held in the air for whoever wished to take.

Dante Castro, was a man of few words but recognizable deeds. He grabbed her hand, tugging it close to his mouth as he kissed his knuckles, eying her. His brown eyes remained glued on her smiling face as he tracked her skin, unwilling to leave.

I felt the silver letter opener on my desk calling to me plunge its tip into the man eyes and gouge it out for touching my wife. Her smiling face turned to me, a joke floated out. "Someone is smitten by me, Antonio."

I could only smile at her words. Her cringe was visible as her left hand balled into a fist behind her back, turning pale. With a faster step, she moved close to him, a soft embrace and a peck on the cheek before she freed herself off his clutches.

It must be her rose and sandalwood scent, the one which rendered everyone into a state of euphoria. Dante stood transfixed at his place for a few more seconds with closed eyes, his chest heaving slowly. His gelled hair and tucked in shirt all called out to me to rush over and punch him in his face.

Instead, I grabbed the desk edges tight.

Damiela was unmoved by all this. She tossed her brown hair and shifter her long dress slit, exposing her entire leg while managing to take a seat before her brother even began the insufferable display of lust for my Val.

My Val! I reeled into those words. Was she mine?

"Mi querido, Anto," Val's words had the effect of Aloe Vera on the burn Dante inflicted. She walked across to my side, perching on the armrest on my right and dipping, turning her heels out as she kissed my cheeks. She may have used it to stake her side, her loyalty to her husband. "Estoy cansada."

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