8. Plan of action

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If anyone asked me what the best feeling in the world was, I wouldn't waste a moment to state it was seeing Antonio cramming himself into the siren who was more than willing to spread herself over for him. Although it wasn't a sight I thought to encounter on the second day of marriage, seeing him with someone else sent me into an elated state.

I have known men who would try to have their way with a woman in the name of marriage. I was unnerved when Antonio walked into our suite, eying me while I pretended to sleep. My stomach tossed up bile into the back of my throat and every passing silent moment had me wish I was dead. My skin coursed fire, hoping to set itself aflame when he moved near to the sofa where I rested.

Only when Antonio picked up his jacket and moved back did I felt my senses recalibrate their alignment, moving me back to my saner state. Suffice to say, I was one happy wife when I found him sleeping with another woman. If being with someone else meant Antonio would stay away from me, then I might even take up the task of bringing him his share of mistresses.

The reality of being married to the enemy was etched in my mind since the time I scribbled my name on the marriage registry. Though Antonio was always on my watchful radar, I knew from now on, his younger brother, Alejandro, too needed to be kept under surveillance. From Al's bare looks I knew he wasn't just sharp; he was lethal too.


Maria's voice boomed from inside the mansion as I stepped out of the driveway. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the help scurrying around the mansion. At her intonated instructions, everyone trembled and trotted as if they were taking marching orders to fight a war.

"The new bride would be here any minute now. You need to move your hands quickly." Her voice was hitting the domed roof and bouncing across the crème-colored walls. I stood at the entrance, watching the circus that ensued.

One of the maids saw me and cried out, "she is here," before scrambling back at her feet and disappearing into the kitchen. Everyone around acted as if it wasn't me but a ghost that stood at the entrance.

I was well versed with the bride protocol that dad had crammed in me. The new bride shouldn't cross the threshold until she was welcomed by her mother-in-law.

I waited for the escort service to arrive, feeling the heat of the sun searing up my back. I heard thumping footsteps that resonated closer to me with every passing second. Maria's voice, of cussing and loud-pitched-last-minute-instructions, blew over my face before I had a chance to encounter the present lady of the house.

Her words floated all over the place, ensuring I was received well for my first day. But it seemed that in all the chaos of welcoming me, she forgot about my arrival time.

"Ellas no durmieron ayer. Que se despierta tan temprano después de una noche entera de estar despierto." *Why are they so early? Who wakes up so early after a whole night of staying up*

Once she emerged in front of me, I witnessed her flushed face and the glistening sweat beads over her forehead. She resembled a laborer. In the present state of things, Maria was the cartel head's wife; the queen commander. She didn't require raising a finger to get her work done.

Then why was she doing things by herself?

"There you are... Can you wait... for a minute" Maria asked, holding onto her slender waist and leaning nearer to me, heaving for air.

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