47. The Love of Two

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Castros- It was all part of their game, involving their intelligence agencies. Not only were they successful in coning us for long, they almost got away with it. Valentina, the mole they assumed to be on their side was a planted by us.

She played her part brilliantly, surprising us all not only with the way she devised the whole plan but by way of execution too.

Standing in front of hotel where we had Intel on Elena, all of us Moralez man walked in. Valentina was already in the room with Elena, narrating how the plan fell. Val loved a good drama and she was having one such with Elena, retelling how all of Elena's and Castro's support died.

Alejandro moved ahead, checking and covering the whole premise while Agustin checked all exit points. Although we were in neutral grounds on the outskirts of the border, we had to be sure. There should be no other place than the inferno where Elena would find asylum.

I wanted blood, hers to be precise.

All those years of blaming myself for her death, all those tears that I shed, regretting I was unable to protect her was all in vain. She never died. She only played the part in the game she was sent for. Her love was fake and so were her words. Elena Moralez was the real pawn, the real King Killer.

Although she tried, she could never succeed in taking me down. What her calculation erred was my queen, who stood ahead of me this whole time, surveying the winds and protecting her king.

I ascended the elevator that rumbled to life. On the fourth floor, it opened into a long deserted corridor. With a worn down carpet that blew up dust ghosts with every step placed, I stood in from the door at the end of the hallway.

Tap Tap.

The door flung opened. Valentina donned a smile so bright, it made me feel numb to the day that was coming around. She moved back, gesturing me in like I was not here for revenge but a party.

My sight fell on Elena whose legs twisted like twigs on a windy day before curling it near to her heaving chest. Inside the room, the dim light displayed her expressions vividly. She breathed through her mouth, unblinking eyes watched me as I walked in. Her index pointed at me, unable to whisper the words that were at the tip of her tongue.

The dead had revived.

I smiled, watched her flushed face. Pulling a chair, I sat opposite to her. "Hello, darling," I said, my words were almost whisper but they carried no love. I was boiling on the inside. The lump in my throat and the rock on my chest grew heavier with every passing second. "Surprised to see me?"

Elena's head twisted towards Val who shrugged her shoulders as if watching a certified dead man wasn't a rare occurrence. With a slow turn, she watched me lean back on the chair. Horror filled her face with her realization that this time, it was she who was played.

"You were dead. I checked your pulse." She placed her hand on her chest, calming her heaving chest, flaring nerves. "How?"

When I smiled for long, her eyes widened. She must have realized that it was not only her secrets that came into the open but also about the one who helped her. The doctor who declared Elena dead had given her a combination of adenosine and lidocaine to send her into a temporary state of cardiac arrest. For the world Elena Moralez was dead but the reality was different.

"You see darling," I straightened my legs, leaning further back into the chair. "It's not just you who can fake a death."

Val, who scanned the dingy hotel room walls that adorned a painting handing in the corner, whispered. "The student became the master, Elena."

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