Chapter 1: The Sorting

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"Now, when you're both sorted into Slytherin, you must live up to the standards that have been set for you," my father said, "You are Malfoy's, so you must behave as such. No petty arguments, no fights, no scandals, top marks. That's not too much to ask, so I expect you to do so."

He was giving me and my brother, Draco, a talking to before we left for Hogwarts. Hogwarts was a school for witches and wizards from all over Britain, and me and Draco were about to start first year! We'd both be sorted into Slytherin, then we'd begin our lives as Hogwarts students, towards a bright future in the wizarding world.

"Yes, father," we both said.

My name is Lyra Malfoy. I am the daughter of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black, members of two of the noblest wizarding pureblood families. My twin brother is Draco Malfoy, and we will be the new generation of wizards.

While my brother and father had shockingly white hair and blue eyes, I took after my mother's side of the family with my brown hair and grey eyes. I had been told I looked like Sirius Black, my cousin, multiple times, but my family tried to steer clear of that association. He was a blood traitor and currently serving a life sentence in Azkaban. 

My parents were caring, they never let me or Draco go wanting. My father favoured me greatly, I was his pride. From looking at him, you'd never know he doted on his daughter so much, but he was the most caring father I'd ever seen. My mother saw he favoured me, and made it up to Draco, but I didn't care. I was just glad we were all happy together.

My father pulled me into his chest, stroking my hair gently. He kissed the top of my head before speaking.

"I know you'll make me proud, darling," he said, "You'll be a merit to our name."

Draco and I sat with the rest of the soon to be Slytherins on the train, talking about how we expected our year to go. We'd excel in our classes, Slytherin would win the cup, and we'd make our parents proud - that was the plan. We eventually got word that Harry Potter was in our year, and shared hopes he would be in Slytherin.

That changed when we met him.

We were waiting to be taken into the Great Hall for sorting when my brother approached Potter.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," Draco said, causing whispers to burst out around the crowd, "This is my sister, Lyra, and Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy... Draco Malfoy."

We both glared as a red haired boy behind Harry snickered.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours," Draco spat, "Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Draco extended his hand for Harry to shake, I offered him a smile. But Harry just glared at his hand, before turning his gaze to my brother's face.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," he said, causing Draco to glare.

I caught sight of McGonagall returning, and grabbed Draco before he incriminated himself in front of the teacher. She eyed us with a piercing gaze but I just shot her my trademark smile of 'I never did anything wrong, I'm a Malfoy' and she turned to address the whole crowd.

"We don't need him," I hissed, and Draco nodded in agreement.

We followed McGonagall into the Great Hall. There were five tables in the hall, four for each house and then one at the front for the professors. In front of the professor's table, there was a stool and a grubby looking hat that must have been the Sorting Hat.  We were all told to wait in front of the hat when it opened its mouth and started singing. I took the opportunity to look around the hall in awe.

Floating candles were above all the tables and the ceiling was enchanted to look like the night sky. It was magic like I had never seen before and I couldn't keep the grin off of my face. Sure, magic was common in my life, I saw it every day - however, Malfoy Manor never had the kind of things I was seeing here! I was sure my parents viewed it as somewhat tacky.

Draco and I waited patiently for our turns, no doubt in our minds where we belonged. Crabbe and Goyle were waiting for us at the Slytherin table and, though I didn't particularly like them, they were clearly going to do as we said without complaint.

Draco was called first, the hat barely touching his head before it yelled Slytherin. I grinned at him as he passed, walking up to the front of the hall myself when my name was called. I caught Snape's eye, a family friend and professor at Hogwarts, and noted he was staring at me with interest. I was unsure why, it was clear what was about to happen.

The Hat was placed over my head, and I anticipated the instantaneous Slytherin sorting that my brother received, already envisaging myself as a Slytherin Prefect in years to come, winning the House Cup year after year—

It was instantaneous, but it wasn't Slytherin.



Short first chapter just to get the ball rolling - expect an update in the next few days! What will the Malfoys say when their daughter turns out to be a Gryffindor? What will Lyra think?

(Posted in tandem on another site just in case anyone thinks I'm plagiarising yeeyee)

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